Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: 新規,親近,蜃気楼,深刻,申告,新婚,信仰,新香,振興,進行

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Direct access: 新規 , 親近 , 蜃気楼 , 深刻 , 申告 , 新婚 , 信仰 , 新香 , 振興 , 進行


pronunciation: shinki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: new (n.)
新規の: shinkino: new (a.), fresh
新規に: shinkini: anew, afresh
新規口座: shinkikouza: new account <<< 口座
新規採用: shinkisaiyou: new recruitment, new hiring <<< 採用
新規参入: shinkisannnyuu: new entry
新規開店: shinkikaiten: new opening [inauguration] <<< 開店


pronunciation: shinkin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: relative, relation, affinity
親近感: shinkinkan: sense of intimacy <<<
親近感を覚える: shinkinkannooboeru: feel a sense of intimacy (with) <<<
親近感を持つ: shinkinkannomotsu <<<
synonyms: 親類 , 近親


pronunciation: shinkirou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: mirage


pronunciation: shinkoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: seriousness, gravity, crisis
深刻な: shinkokuna: serious, grave, acute, critical
深刻な顔をする: shinkokunakaoosuru: look serious [grave] <<<
深刻化する: shinkokukasuru: become more serious [critical, strained], grow worse <<<


pronunciation: shinkoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: statement, report (n.), return
申告する: shinkokusuru: state (v.), report, notify, declare
申告漏れ: shinkokumore: undeclared [unreported] income [earnings] <<<
申告書: shinkokusho: a report, a statement <<<
申告者: shinkokusha: reporter <<<
申告制: shinkokusei: report [return] system <<<
申告制度: shinkokuseido <<< 制度
申告額: shinkokugaku: declared value [amount] <<<
申告所得: shinkokushotoku: taxable income <<< 所得
申告期限: shinkokukigen: term of declaration <<< 期限
申告用紙: shinkokuyoushi: return blank [form] <<< 用紙
通関申告: tsuukanshinkoku: custom declaration <<< 通関
税金申告: zeikinshinkoku: tax return <<< 税金
税金を申告する: zeikinnoshinkokusuru: make one's tax return <<< 税金
青色申告: aoiroshinkoku: blue return (form) <<< 青色
確定申告: kakuteishinkoku: final (income tax) return <<< 確定
確定申告をする: kakuteishinkokuosuru: turn in a final return (of one's income tax) <<< 確定
予定申告: yoteishinkoku: provisional declaration <<< 予定
移動申告: idoushinkoku: report of one's removal <<< 移動
税関申告: zeikanshinkoku: customs declaration <<< 税関
関税申告: kanzeishinkoku: customs declaration <<< 関税
check also: 税金 , 関税


pronunciation: shinkon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: recent [new] marriage
新婚の: shinkonnno: newly-married (a.)
新婚夫婦: shinkonhuuhu: newly-married couple, newlyweds <<< 夫婦
新婚旅行: shinkonryokou: honeymoon <<< 旅行 , ハネムーン
新婚生活: shinkonseikatsu: newly-married life <<< 生活
check also: 結婚


pronunciation: shinkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: faith, belief, conviction
信仰する: shinkousuru: believe [have faith] in (God, Christianity)
信仰の厚い: shinkounoatsui: pious, devout, religious <<<
信仰の無い: shinkounonai: impious, infidel <<<
信仰に入る: shinkounihairu: enter (into) religion, get religion <<<
信仰を深める: shinkouohukameru: deepen one's faith <<<
信仰を捨てる: shinkouosuteru: forsake one's faith <<<
信仰者: shinkousha: believer, follower <<<
信仰の自由: shinkounojiyuu: religious liberty, freedom of religion [faith] <<< 自由
信仰生活: shinkouseikatsu: religious life <<< 生活
信仰療法: shinkouryouhou: faith cure <<< 療法
信仰告白: shinkoukokuhaku: confession of faith, credo <<< 告白
民間信仰: minkanshinkou: popular [folk] belief <<< 民間
check also: 信心


pronunciation: shinkou , shinko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese food
translation: pickled vegetables
御新香: oshinkou, oshinko <<<
synonyms: 漬物


pronunciation: shinkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: industry
translation: promotion
振興する: shinkousuru: promote, encourage
振興策: shinkousaku: measure for the promotion (of) <<<


pronunciation: shinkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: advance (n.), progress, march
進行する: shinkousuru: advance (v.), make progress, move onward [forward]
進行が速い: shinkougahayai: make rapid progress <<<
進行が遅い: shinkougaosoi: make slow progress <<<
進行中: shinkouchuu: be in progress, be under way, be in motion <<<
進行係: shinkougakari: program director, moderator <<<
進行形: shinkoukei: progressive form <<<
進行方向: shinkouhoukou: direction of progress <<< 方向
synonyms: 進捗
check also: 行進

The displayed words on this page are 6067 - 6076 among 7921.

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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27