This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by
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手裏剣pronunciation: shurikenkanji characters: 手 , 裏 , 剣 keyword: weapon translation: dart (n.), dirk, dagger knife 手裏剣を投げる: shurikennonageru: dart (v.) <<< 投 種類pronunciation: shuruikanji characters: 種 , 類 keyword: biology translation: kind, sort, variety, description, type, nature 種類が同じ: shuruigaonaji: be of the same kind <<< 同 種類が違う: shuruigachigau: be different in kind from <<< 違 種類別: shuruibetsu: classification <<< 別 種類別にする: shuruibetsunisuru: classify check also: 型 , 品種 主力pronunciation: shuryokukanji characters: 主 , 力 keyword: war translation: main force [strength] 主力を注ぐ: shuryokuososogu: concentrate one's force (on) <<< 注 主力株: shuryokukabu: leading stocks [shares] <<< 株 主力艦: shuryokukan: capital ship <<< 艦 主力艦隊: shuryokukantai: main fleet <<< 艦隊 主力選手: shuryokusenshu: main player <<< 選手 首領pronunciation: shuryoukanji characters: 首 , 領 translation: leader, chief, boss, chieftain 首領様: shuryousama: nickname of North Korean dictator <<< 様 check also: 親分 , ボス
狩猟pronunciation: shuryoukanji characters: 狩 , 猟 keyword: nature , amusement translation: hunting, shooting 狩猟する: shuryousuru: hunt, shoot 狩猟家: shuryouka: hunter <<< 家 狩猟場: shuryoujou: hunting ground <<< 場 狩猟期: shuryouki: hunting season <<< 期 狩猟法: shuryouhou: game law <<< 法 狩猟服: shuryouhuku: hunting costume <<< 服 狩猟免状: shuryoumenjou: hunting license <<< 免状 狩猟免許証: shuryoumenkyoshou 狩猟禁止: shuryoukinshi: ban on hunting <<< 禁止 狩猟禁止期: shuryoukinshiki: closed season <<< 期 主流pronunciation: shuryuukanji characters: 主 , 流 keyword: politics translation: main current, mainstream 主流派: shuryuuha: leading [mainstream] faction <<< 派 check also: 本流 手榴弾pronunciation: shuryuudankanji characters: 手 , 弾 keyword: weapon translation: hand grenade 主催pronunciation: shusaikanji characters: 主 , 催 keyword: sport , show translation: sponsorship 主催で: shusaide: under auspices of, sponsored by 主催する: shusaisuru: sponsor (v.) 主催者: shusaisha: organizer, promoter, sponsor, impresario <<< 者 主催国: shusaikoku: host nation <<< 国 主催団体: shusaidantai: host organization <<< 団体 趣旨pronunciation: shushikanji characters: 趣 , 旨 translation: sense, meaning, intention, object, objective, substance, content, purport 種子pronunciation: shushikanji characters: 種 , 子 keyword: plant translation: seed 種子植物: shushishokubutsu: spermatophyte <<< 植物 check also: 胞子 | |
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