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老人pronunciation: roujinkanji characters: 老 , 人 keyword: life translation: old [aged] man [woman] 老人の: roujinnno: old, aged 老人病: roujinbyou: disease of the aged <<< 病 老人病学: roujinbyougaku: geriatrics <<< 学 老人学: roujingaku: gerontology 老人と海: roujintoumi: The Old Man and The Sea (Hemingway's novel, 1951) <<< 海 老人福祉: roujinhukushi: welfare for the aged <<< 福祉 老人ホーム: roujinhoomu: nursing home, home for the aged <<< ホーム synonyms: 年寄 籠城pronunciation: roujoukanji characters: 籠 , 城 other spells: 篭城 keyword: history translation: confinement 籠城する: roujousuru: be besieged, hold a castle, keep indoors, stay at home 籠城軍: roujougun: besieged <<< 軍 廊下pronunciation: roukakanji characters: 廊 , 下 keyword: house translation: corridor, hallway 浪人pronunciation: rouninkanji characters: 浪 , 人 keyword: japanese history , job translation: man out of employment, student without enrolling university, masterless samurai 浪人中: rouninchuu: without employment [enrolling university] <<< 中 浪人に成る: rouninnninaru: lose an employment, become jobless <<< 成 check also: 現役 , Ronin
労力pronunciation: rouryokukanji characters: 労 , 力 keyword: job translation: labor, exertion, effort, hassle (n.) 労力を費やす: rouryokuotsuiyasu: make an effort, hassle (v.) <<< 費 労力を省く: rouryokuohabuku: save pains <<< 省 労力を惜しむ: rouryokuooshimu <<< 惜 check also: 苦心 , 努力 , 丹精 , 手間 労災pronunciation: rousaikanji characters: 労 , 災 keyword: job translation: accident at work, occupational accident, industrial injury 労災保険: rousaihoken: workmen's accident compensation insurance <<< 保険 蝋燭pronunciation: rousokukanji characters: 蝋 other spells: ロウソク, ローソク keyword: decoration , market translation: candle 蝋燭の芯: rousokunoshin: wick, candlewick <<< 芯 蝋燭を消す: rousokuokesu: put out a candle <<< 消 蝋燭が消える: rousokugakieru: A candle goes out 蝋燭を点ける: rousokuotsukeru: light a candle <<< 点 蝋燭立て: rousokutate: candlestick <<< 立 蝋燭足チャート: rousokuashichaato: candlestick chart (in a financial chart) <<< 足 , 陽線 , 陽線 牢屋pronunciation: rouyakanji characters: 屋 keyword: justice translation: prison, jail, goal 牢屋に入る: rouyanihairu: be cast into prison <<< 入 牢屋に入れる: rouyaniireru: imprison 牢屋を出る: rouyaoderu: be released from prison <<< 出 牢屋を破る: rouyaoyaburu: break jail [prison] <<< 破 check also: 監獄 , 刑務所 類似pronunciation: ruijikanji characters: 類 , 似 translation: resemblance, similarity, likeness, analogy 類似の: ruijino: like, similar, kindred, analogous 類似する: ruijisuru: resemble, bear resemblance to, be similar [analogous] to, be like (to) 類似点: ruijiten: point of similarity <<< 点 synonyms: 同様 累計pronunciation: ruikeikanji characters: 累 , 計 keyword: accounting translation: total check also: 合計 | |
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