This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by
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粘性pronunciation: nenseikanji characters: 粘 , 性 keyword: physics translation: viscosity 粘性度: nenseido <<< 度 年始pronunciation: nenshikanji characters: 年 , 始 keyword: calendar , greeting translation: beginning of the year, New Year's greeting 年始に行く: nenshiniiku: make a round of New Year's calls [greeting] <<< 行 年始回りをする: nenshimawariosuru <<< 回 synonyms: 年賀 , 新年 antonyms: 年末 年少pronunciation: nenshoukanji characters: 年 , 少 keyword: family translation: youth 年少の: nenshouno: young 年少者: nenshousha: a youth, minor <<< 者 最年少者: sainenshousha: the youngest <<< 最 年少犯罪: nenshouhanzai: juvenile delinquency <<< 犯罪 年少労働者: nenshouroudousha: child [minor] laborer check also: 若 , 少年 燃焼pronunciation: nenshoukanji characters: 燃 , 焼 keyword: energy translation: combustion 燃焼する: nenshousuru: burn 燃焼性: nenshousei: combustibility, inflammability <<< 性 燃焼物: nenshoubutsu: combustibles <<< 物 完全燃焼: kanzennnenshou: perfect combustion <<< 完全
捻挫pronunciation: nenzakanji characters: 捻 , 挫 keyword: medicine translation: sprain, distortion 捻挫する: nenzasuru: have a sprain 足首を捻挫する: ashikubionenzasuru: sprain [twist] one's ankle <<< 足首 練粉pronunciation: nerikokanji characters: 練 , 粉 other spells: 練り粉 keyword: food translation: dough, pasta check also: パスタ 値下pronunciation: nesagekanji characters: 値 , 下 keyword: business translation: price reduction, cut [slash] in price [fare, wages] 値下する: nesagesuru: reduce [lower] the price 値下り: nesagari: fall [decline, drop, sag] in price, decrease in value 値下りする: nesagarisuru: price falls [drops, goes down] antonyms: 値上 熱心pronunciation: nesshinkanji characters: 熱 , 心 translation: ardor, zeal, eagerness, enthusiasm 熱心な: nesshinnna: eager, zealous, ardent 熱心に: nesshinnni: eagerly, earnestly, with zeal, attentively check also: 情熱 熱中pronunciation: netchuukanji characters: 熱 , 中 keyword: amusement translation: absorption, enthusiasm 熱中する: netchuusuru: be enthusiastic about [in], devote [apply] oneself to, give oneself up to 熱中症: netchuushou: heatstroke <<< 症 熱中症に罹る: netchuushounikakaru: get heatstroke <<< 罹 check also: 夢中 熱意pronunciation: netsuikanji characters: 熱 , 意 translation: zeal, enthusiasm 熱意の有る: netsuinoaru: zealous, enthusiastic <<< 有 熱意が有る: netsuigaaru: be zealous [enthusiastic] 熱意の無い: netsuinonai: unzealous, unenthusiastic <<< 無 熱意が無い: netsuiganai: be unzealous [unenthusiastic] 熱意に欠ける: netsuinikakeru <<< 欠 | |
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