Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: 毛糸,系統,鶏頭,契約,形容,軽油,経済,継続,系図,結果

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Direct access: 毛糸 , 系統 , 鶏頭 , 契約 , 形容 , 軽油 , 経済 , 継続 , 系図 , 結果


pronunciation: keito
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: woolen yarn, knitting wool
毛糸の: keitono: woolen, worsted
毛糸で編む: keitodeamu: knit with wool <<<
毛糸製品: keitoseihin: woolen goods <<< 製品
アンゴラ毛糸: angorakeito: angora wool <<< アンゴラ
check also: 羊毛


pronunciation: keitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , history , family
translation: system, organism, family tree, genealogy, lineage, party, group
系統的: keitouteki: systematic, organic, methodic <<<
系統を引く: keitouohiku: be descended from, be inherited <<<
系統を立てる: keitouotateru: systemize <<<
系統を辿る: keitouotadoru: go back to the source <<< 辿
系統発生: keitouhassei: phylogeny <<< 発生
指揮系統: shikikeitou: chain of command <<< 指揮
伝染系統: densenkeitou: trace of an epidemic <<< 伝染
血管系統: kekkankeitou: vascular system <<< 血管
運転系統: untenkeitou: bus [train] routes <<< 運転
check also: 系図 , 血統


pronunciation: keitou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ケイトウ
keyword: flower
translation: cockscomb, coxcomb
葉鶏頭: hageitou: amaranth <<<


pronunciation: keiyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , law
translation: contract (n.), agreement, deal, covenant
契約する: keiyakusuru: contract (v.), sign, conclude a contract
契約を結ぶ: keiyakuomusubu <<<
契約を守る: keiyakuomamoru: abide by a contract <<<
契約を解く: keiyakuotoku: dissolve a contract <<<
契約を破る: keiyakuoyaburu: break a contract <<<
契約書: keiyakusho: bond, contract (n.) <<<
契約金: keiyakukin: contract money <<<
契約者: keiyakusha: contractor <<<
契約期間: keiyakukikan: period of contract <<< 期間
契約違反: keiyakuihan: breach of contract <<< 違反
契約社員: keiyakushain: contracted employee <<< 社員
契約移民: keiyakuimin: contract immigrants <<< 移民
仮契約: karikeiyaku: provisional agreement <<<
本契約: honkeiyaku: definitive agreement <<<
相続契約: souzokukeiyaku: contract of inheritance <<< 相続
無償契約: mushoukeiyaku: naked [gratuitous] contract <<< 無償
出演契約: shutsuenkeiyaku: booking <<< 出演
一括契約: ikkatsukeiyaku: blanket contract <<< 一括
組合契約: kumiaikeiyaku: contract of partnership <<< 組合
先物契約: sakimonokeiyaku: futures contract <<< 先物
雇用契約: koyoukeiyaku: contract of engagement [employment] <<< 雇用
保険契約: hokenkeiyaku: contract of insurance <<< 保険
口頭契約: koutoukeiyaku: verbal contract <<< 口頭
賃貸契約: chintaikeiyaku: lease [hiring] contract [agreement] <<< 賃貸
売買契約: baibaikeiyaku: bargain, sales contract <<< 売買
企業契約: kigyoukeiyaku: affiliation, intercompany agreement <<< 企業
保証契約: hoshoukeiyaku: contract of suretyship <<< 保証


pronunciation: keiyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: metaphor, figure of speech, modification, description
形容する: keiyousuru: express figuratively, describe, modify, qualify
形容語: keiyougo: epithet, attribute <<<
形容詞: keiyoushi: adjective <<<
形容詞的: keiyoushiteki: adjectival <<<


pronunciation: keiyu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: light oil, gas oil, white spirit, kerosene
check also: ガソリン , ディーゼル


pronunciation: keizai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: economy
translation: economy, finance, saving, thrift
経済の: keizaino: economic, economical
経済的: keizaiteki <<<
経済家: keizaika: frugal [thrifty] person, man of economy, economizer <<<
経済界: keizaikai: economic world, financial circle <<<
経済力: keizairyoku: economic power <<<
経済欄: keizairan: financial column <<<
経済学: keizaigaku: economy (study) <<<
経済学者: keizaigakusha: economist <<< 学者
経済援助: keizaienjo: economic assistance <<< 援助
経済計画: keizaikeikaku: economic plan <<< 計画
経済危機: keizaikiki: economic crisis <<< 危機
経済封鎖: keizaihuusa: economic blockade
経済成長: keizaiseichou: economic growth <<< 成長
経済犯罪: keizaihanzai: economic offense <<< 犯罪
経済産業省: keizaisangyoushou: Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry
総合経済: sougoukeizai: macroeconomy, overall economy <<< 総合
計画経済: keikakukeizai: planned economy <<< 計画
消費経済: shouhikeizai: consumption economy <<< 消費
貨幣経済: kaheikeizai: monetary [money] economy <<< 貨幣
市場経済: shijoukeizai: market economy <<< 市場
自立経済: jiritsukeizai: self-supporting economy <<< 自立
ブロック経済: burokkukeizai: block economy <<< ブロック
バブル経済: baburukeizai: financial bubble <<< バブル
マクロ経済: makurokeizai: macroeconomy <<< マクロ
マクロ経済の: makurokeizaino: macroeconomic <<< マクロ
check also: 金融 , エコノミー


pronunciation: keizoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: continuation, duration
継続する: keizokusuru: continue, go on, proceed, last
継続的: keizokuteki: continuous <<<
継続性: keizokusei: continuity <<<
継続期間: keizokukikan: continuance, period of duration <<< 期間
継続事業: keizokujigyou: continued project <<< 事業


pronunciation: keizu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , history
translation: stem, family tree, genealogy
祖先の系図: sosennnokeizu: genealogy, ancestor chart, family tree, pedigree <<< 祖先
check also: 血統 , 家系


pronunciation: kekka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: result (n.), effect, consequence, conclusion
結果が良い: kekkagaii: be successful <<<
結果が悪い: kekkagawarui: be unsuccessful <<<
結果を生じる: kekkaoshoujiru: result (end) in <<<
原因結果: genninkekka: cause and result, causality <<< 原因
検索結果: kensakukekka: search result <<< 検索
意外な結果: igainakekka: unexpected result <<< 意外
当然の結果: touzennnokekka: natural result <<< 当然
測定結果: sokuteikekka: measurement results <<< 測定

The displayed words on this page are 3211 - 3220 among 7921.

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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27