Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: 辛子,烏貝,鱲子,烏麦,空手,空売,枯葉,華麗,可憐,彼等

This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by Free Light Software and contains Japanese words, composed of 2 or more Kanji characters. If you have any questions on Japan or Japanese language, please post your messages to our Japanese forum. The list of abbreviation should be also helpful.

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Japanese display
radical  keywords
Page beginning from character: A , B , C , D , E , G , H , I , J , K , M , N , O , P , R , S , T , U , W , Y , Z

Direct access: 辛子 , 烏貝 , 鱲子 , 烏麦 , 空手 , 空売 , 枯葉 , 華麗 , 可憐 , 彼等


pronunciation: karashi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 芥子, カラシ
keyword: condiment
translation: mustard
辛子入れ: karashiire: mustard pot <<<
辛子漬: karashiZuke: pickles in mustard <<<
辛子種: karashidane: mustard seed <<<
辛子粒: karashitsubu <<<
辛子菜: karashina: mustard plant <<<
辛子粉: karashiko: flour of mustard <<<
辛子ソース: karashisoosu: mustard sauce <<< ソース
辛子スプーン: karashisupuun: mustard spoon <<< スプーン
辛子匙: karashisaji <<<
洋辛子: yougarashi: (western) mustard <<<
練り辛子: nerigarashi: mustard paste <<<
唐辛子: tougarashi: red [cayenne] pepper <<<
唐辛子入れ: tougarashiire: pepper pot <<<
check also: 山葵 , マスタード


pronunciation: karasugai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: カラスガイ
keyword: mollusk
translation: fresh water mussel
check also: 貽貝


pronunciation: karasumi
kanji characters:
other spells: カラスミ
keyword: fish
translation: dried mullet roe


pronunciation: karasumugi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: カラスムギ
keyword: cereal
translation: oats


pronunciation: karate
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 唐手
keyword: martial art
translation: empty hand, karate
空手で: karatede: empty-handed, without a present
空手家: karateka: karateka, karate player <<<
空手道場: karatedoujou: karate hall [school] <<< 道場
check also: Karate


pronunciation: karauri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: short sale [selling]
空売する: karaurisuru: sell short


pronunciation: kareha
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 枯れ葉
keyword: plant
translation: dead [withered] leaf
枯葉剤: karehazai: defoliant <<<


pronunciation: karei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: splendor, magnificence, gorgeousness
華麗な: kareina: splendid, magnificent, gorgeous
華麗に: kareini: splendidly, magnificently
check also: 豪華


pronunciation: karen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: prettiness, lovableness, charmingness
可憐な: karennna: pretty, lovely, sweet, cute, pitiful, poor
可憐な花: karennnahana: nice flower <<<
可憐な少女: karennnashoujo: pretty girl <<< 少女
check also: 可愛い


pronunciation: karera
kanji characters: ,
translation: they, them
彼等は: karerawa: they are
彼等を: karerao: them
彼等に: karerani: them, to them
彼等へ: karerae
彼等の: karerano: their
彼等の物: kareranomono: theirs <<<
彼等自身: karerajishin: themselves <<< 自身

The displayed words on this page are 3031 - 3040 among 7921.

Language Teacher�. Electronic pocket talking translators
Pocket Electronic Dictionary
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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27