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骨髄pronunciation: kotsuzuikanji characters: 骨 , 髄 keyword: organs translation: (bone) marrow 骨髄炎: kotsuzuien: osteomyelitis <<< 炎 骨髄移植: kotsuzuiishoku: (bone) marrow transplantation <<< 移植 骨髄提供者: kotsuzuiteikyousha: donor of (bone) marrow 骨董pronunciation: kottoukanji characters: 骨 keyword: decoration translation: curio, antique, objects [articles] of virtu 骨董品: kottouhin <<< 品 骨董的: kottouteki: antiquarian <<< 的 骨董家: kottouka: virtuoso <<< 家 骨董屋: kottouya: curio [curiosity] shop, curio dealer <<< 屋 骨董店: kottouten: curio [curiosity] shop <<< 店 骨董商: kottoushou: curio dealer <<< 商 synonyms: アンティーク 公安pronunciation: kouankanji characters: 公 , 安 keyword: security translation: public peace [safety] 公安を保つ: kouannotamotsu: maintain public peace [safety] <<< 保 公安を乱す: kouannomidasu: disturb public peace [safety] <<< 乱 公安を害する: kouannogaisuru <<< 害 公安官: kouankan: public security officer <<< 官 公安条例: kouanjourei: public safety regulations <<< 条例 公安委員: kouanniin: public safety commissioner <<< 委員 公安委員会: kouanniinkai: public safety commission <<< 会 synonyms: 治安 check also: 警察 高圧pronunciation: kouatsukanji characters: 高 , 圧 keyword: technology translation: high pressure, high-tension, high-handedness 高圧的: kouatsuteki: high-handed <<< 的 高圧線: kouatsusen: high-tension wire <<< 線 高圧電流: kouatsudenryuu: high-tension current <<< 電流 高圧回路: kouatsukairo: high-tension circuit <<< 回路 高圧手段: kouatsushudan: high-handed measure <<< 手段
購買pronunciation: koubaikanji characters: 購 , 買 keyword: business translation: purchase (n.) 購買する: koubaisuru: purchase, buy 購買力: koubairyoku: purchasing power <<< 力 購買者: koubaisha: purchaser, buyer <<< 者 , 買主 購買部: koubaibu: shopping service, purchase department <<< 部 購買欲: koubaiyoku: purchasing interests <<< 欲 購買組合: koubaikumiai: consumers' association, cooperative (society) <<< 組合 check also: 購入 交番pronunciation: koubankanji characters: 交 , 番 keyword: security translation: police box 神戸pronunciation: koubekanji characters: 神 , 戸 keyword: japan translation: Kobe (city) 神戸市: koubeshi: City of Kobe <<< 市 神戸港: koubekou: Kobe Harbor <<< 港 神戸牛: koubegyuu, koubeushi: Kobe beef <<< 牛 神戸空港: koubekuukou: Kobe Airport <<< 空港 check also: Kobe 交尾pronunciation: koubikanji characters: 交 , 尾 keyword: animal translation: copulation, mating 交尾する: koubisuru: copulate, couple, mate 交尾期: koubiki: rutting [mating] season <<< 期 check also: 発情 酵母pronunciation: koubokanji characters: 酵 , 母 keyword: biology translation: yeast, ferment, leaven 酵母菌: koubokin: yeast fungus <<< 菌 synonyms: イースト 光芒pronunciation: kouboukanji characters: 光 , 芒 keyword: optics translation: beam [shaft] of light | |
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