This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by
Free Light Software and contains Japanese words, composed of 2 or more Kanji characters.
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肌触pronunciation: hadazawarikanji characters: 肌 , 触 keyword: clothes translation: touch, feeling 肌触が良い: hadazawarigaii: be agreeable to the touch, feel smooth <<< 良 肌触が柔らかい: hadazawarigayawarakai: feel soft, have a soft feel <<< 柔 肌触が悪い: hadazawarigawarui: be disagreeable to the touch, feel rough <<< 悪 肌触が固い: hadazawarigakatai <<< 固 派手pronunciation: hadekanji characters: 派 , 手 keyword: decoration translation: gaiety 派手な: hadena: gay, showy, flashy 派手に: hadeni: gaily, gaudily, showily 派手にやる: hadeniyaru: cut a dash 波動pronunciation: hadoukanji characters: 波 , 動 keyword: physics translation: wave motion, undulation 波動する: hadousuru: wave (v.), undulate 波動状: hadoujou: undulatory <<< 状 波動計: hadoukei: wavemeter <<< 計 波動説: hadousetsu: wave theory <<< 説 波動力学: hadourikigaku: wave mechanics <<< 力学 蝿叩きpronunciation: haetatakikanji characters: 蝿 , 叩 other spells: 蝿たたき keyword: insect translation: flapper, swat, swatter
蝿取りpronunciation: haetorikanji characters: 蝿 , 取 keyword: insect translation: flycatcher, flytrap 葉書pronunciation: hagakikanji characters: 葉 , 書 keyword: travel translation: post card, postal card 葉書を出す: hagakiodasu: send a post-card <<< 出 絵葉書: ehagaki: picture post-card <<< 絵 郵便葉書: yuubinhagaki: postal card, postcard <<< 郵便 往復葉書: ouhukuhagaki: reply postal card <<< 往復 check also: 手紙 禿頭pronunciation: hageatamakanji characters: 禿 , 頭 keyword: body translation: bald head, bald-headed man 禿頭の: hageatamano: bald-headed 禿鷹pronunciation: hagetakakanji characters: 禿 , 鷹 keyword: bird translation: vulture, griffon check also: コンドル 歯軋りpronunciation: hagishirikanji characters: 歯 translation: gnash, gnashing 歯軋りをする: hagishiriosuru: grind [gnash] one's teenth 羽子板pronunciation: hagoitakanji characters: 羽 , 子 , 板 keyword: amusement translation: battledore check also: 羽根 , Hagoita | |
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