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伴侶pronunciation: hanryokanji characters: 伴 keyword: family translation: companion, spouse 旅の伴侶: tabinohanryo: travelling companion <<< 旅 反省pronunciation: hanseikanji characters: 反 , 省 translation: reflection, introspection, review (n.) 反省する: hanseisuru: reflect on, introspect, review (v.) 反省を求める: hanseiomotomeru: ask to reconsider <<< 求 反省会: hanseikai: meeting for reviewing <<< 会 反戦pronunciation: hansenkanji characters: 反 , 戦 keyword: war , politics translation: antiwar 反戦論: hansenron: pacifism <<< 論 反戦論者: hansenronsha: pacifist <<< 者 反戦主義: hansenshugi: pacifism <<< 主義 反戦運動: hansennundou: pacifist movement <<< 運動 反戦デモ: hansendemo: antiwar demonstration <<< デモ 反射pronunciation: hanshakanji characters: 反 , 射 keyword: optics translation: reflection, reflex 反射する: hanshasuru: reflect, return 反射的: hanshateki: reflective, reflexive <<< 的 反射的に: hanshatekini: reflectively, by a reflex action 反射炉: hansharo: reverberatory furnace <<< 炉 反射光: hanshakou: reflected light <<< 光 反射熱: hanshanetsu: reflected heat <<< 熱 反射面: hanshamen: surface of reflection <<< 面 反射像: hanshazou: reflected image <<< 像 反射鏡: hanshakyou: reflector, reflecting mirror <<< 鏡 反射運動: hanshaundou: reflex movement <<< 運動 反射作用: hanshasayou: reflex action <<< 作用 反射望遠鏡: hanshabouenkyou: reflecting telescope <<< 望遠鏡 拡散反射: kakusanhansha: diffuse reflection <<< 拡散 条件反射: joukenhansha: conditioned reflex <<< 条件 check also: 屈折
半身pronunciation: hanshinkanji characters: 半 , 身 keyword: body translation: half the body, one side of the body 半身像: hanshinzou: half-length statue [portrait], bust <<< 像 半身不随: hanshinhuzui: hemiplegia 半身不随の: hanshinhuzuino: hemiplegic 上半身: jouhanshin: upper half of one's body <<< 上 下半身: kahanshin: lower half of one's body <<< 下 check also: 全身 阪神pronunciation: hanshinkanji characters: 阪 , 神 keyword: japan translation: Osaka Kobe region 阪神大震災: hanshindaishinsai: Great Hanshin earthquake 阪神電鉄: hanshindentetsu: Hanshin Electric Railway 阪神タイガース: hanshintaigaasu: Hanshin Tigers (a Japanese baseball club) check also: 大阪 , 神戸 繁殖pronunciation: hanshokukanji characters: 繁 , 殖 keyword: biology translation: propagation, breeding, increase (n.) 繁殖する: hanshokusuru: propagate itself, breed, increase (v.) 繁殖期: hanshokuki: breeding season <<< 期 繁殖力: hanshokuryoku: procreative power, fertility <<< 力 繁殖力の盛んな: hanshokuryokunosakannna: prolific <<< 盛 半袖pronunciation: hansodekanji characters: 半 , 袖 keyword: clothes translation: short sleeve 半袖の: hansodeno: short-sleeved, with short sleeve 半袖のシャツ: hansodenoshatsu: (white) shirt with short sleeve <<< シャツ check also: 長袖 反則pronunciation: hansokukanji characters: 反 , 則 other spells: 犯則 keyword: law , sport translation: foul, violation of the law 反則する: hansokusuru: play foul, act against the rules, commit a foul 反則を犯す: hansokuookasu <<< 犯 反則者: hansokusha: offender, transgressor <<< 者 反則負け: hansokumake: disqualification <<< 負 反則負けする: hansokumakesuru: be disqualified, lose a game on a foul 反則切符: hansokukippu: traffic [parking] ticket <<< 切符 check also: ファウル 半数pronunciation: hansuukanji characters: 半 , 数 keyword: mathematics translation: half the number 半数体: hansuutai: haploid <<< 体 半数性: hansuusei: haploidy <<< 性 半数改選: hansuukaisen: reelection of the half the members 過半数: kahansuu: majority, greater part (of), most (of) <<< 過 過半数を得る: kahansuuoeru: win [gain, gain] a majority <<< 得 過半数を占める: kahansuuoshimeru: hold a majority <<< 占 check also: 二倍 | |
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