Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: 街頭,概要,画家,崖崩れ,餓鬼,学科,学課,学界,学会,学期

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Direct access: 街頭 , 概要 , 画家 , 崖崩れ , 餓鬼 , 学科 , 学課 , 学界 , 学会 , 学期


pronunciation: gaitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: street
街頭で: gaitoude: on the street, in the street
街頭演説: gaitouenzetsu: street oratory, wayside speech <<< 演説
街頭募金: gaitoubokin: street fund-raising <<< 募金
街頭商人: gaitoushounin: street trader [vendor] <<< 商人
街頭販売: gaitouhanbai: street sale <<< 販売
街頭宣伝: gaitousenden: street propaganda <<< 宣伝
街頭録音: gaitourokuon: street-corner recording <<< 録音
街頭芸術家: gaitougeijutsuka: street artist
synonyms: , ストリート


pronunciation: gaiyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: outline (n.), summary, résumé, abstract
概要を述べる: gaiyouonoberu: give an outline (of), outline (v.), sketch, summarize <<<
synonyms: 概略 , 大綱 , 抜粋


pronunciation: gaka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: painter, artist
風刺画家: huushigaka: cartoonist, caricaturist <<< 風刺
肖像画家: shouzougaka: portrait painter, portraitist <<< 肖像
日曜画家: nichiyougaka: Sunday painter <<< 日曜
宮廷画家: kyuuteigaka: court painter <<< 宮廷
風景画家: huukeigaka: landscape painter <<< 風景
人物画家: jinbutsugaka: portrait painter <<< 人物
素人画家: shiroutogaka: hobby painter <<< 素人
パステル画家: pasuterugaka: pastelist <<< パステル


pronunciation: gakekuzure
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: landslide, landslip


pronunciation: gaki
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ガキ
keyword: kids , buddhism
translation: mischievous chid, urchin, brat, starving soul, Tantalus
餓鬼道: gakidou: hell of hunger and thirst, torments of Tantalus <<<
餓鬼大将: gakidaishou: boss of the kids, cock of the school, bully <<< 大将
check also: 坊主


pronunciation: gakka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: subject (of study), branch of learning
学科試験: gakkashiken: examination in subjects of study, achievement test <<< 試験
基礎学科: kisogakka: primary subjects <<< 基礎
志望学科: shibougakka: desired course <<< 志望
check also: 学課


pronunciation: gakka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: one's lessons, school work
学課を復習する: gakkaohukushuusuru: review one's lessons <<< 復習
学課を予習する: gakkaoyoshuusuru: prepare one's lessons <<< 予習
学課時間表: gakkajikanhyou: schedule of lesson hours
check also: 学科 , レッスン


pronunciation: gakkai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: academic circles, learned world, academia
学界に貢献する: gakkainikoukensuru: contribute to the progress of science <<< 貢献
check also: 学会


pronunciation: gakkai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: learned society, academy, conference, congress, convention
学会に出席する: gakkainishussekisuru: attend the congress <<< 出席
check also: 学界


pronunciation: gakki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: school term, semester, trimester
学期初め: gakkihajime: start of a new school term <<<
新学期: shingakki: beginning of the school year <<<
学期末: gakkimatsu: end of a school term <<<
学期末試験: gakkimatsushiken: final [terminal] examination <<< 試験
学期末休暇: gakkimatsukyuuka: term-end holidays <<< 休暇

The displayed words on this page are 971 - 980 among 7921.

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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27