This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by
Free Light Software and contains Japanese words, composed of 2 or more Kanji characters.
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断絶pronunciation: danzetsukanji characters: 断 , 絶 translation: rupture, ending, discontinuation, extinction 断絶する: danzetsusuru: be broken [cut] off, come to a rupture, become extinct, cease to exist check also: 消滅 , 絶滅 断続pronunciation: danzokukanji characters: 断 , 続 keyword: time translation: intermittence 断続的: danzokuteki: intermittent, sporadic, sporadical <<< 的 断続的に: danzokutekini: intermittently, sporadically, at intervals, on and off 断続する: danzokusuru: be intermittent, come off and on antonyms: 連続 脱皮pronunciation: dappikanji characters: 脱 , 皮 keyword: insect translation: ecdysis 脱皮する: dappisuru: cast off the skin, slough, break away from, outgrow 堕落pronunciation: darakukanji characters: 堕 , 落 translation: degeneration, corruption, depravity, fall 堕落する: darakusuru: degenerate (v.), be corrupted 堕落した: darakushita: degenerate (a.), corrupt, depraved, fallen 堕落僧: darakusou: apostate <<< 僧 堕落女: darakuonnna: fallen woman <<< 女 synonyms: 墜落
達磨pronunciation: darumakanji characters: 達 , 磨 keyword: buddhism translation: Dharma, tumbler 達磨船: darumasen: lighter, barge <<< 船 雪達磨: yukidaruma: snow man <<< 雪 check also: Daruma 惰性pronunciation: daseikanji characters: 惰 , 性 keyword: mechanics translation: inertia, momentum, force of habit 惰性で: daseide: by inertia, by force of habit, by custom 打者pronunciation: dashakanji characters: 打 , 者 keyword: baseball translation: baseball batter, hitter 強打者: kyoudasha: slugger <<< 強 指名打者: shimeidasha: designated hitter (in baseball), DH <<< 指名 先頭打者: sentoudasha: lead-off batter, first batter <<< 先頭 一番打者: ichibandasha: lead-off man, first batter <<< 一番 synonyms: バッター 出汁pronunciation: dashikanji characters: 出 , 汁 other spells: 出し keyword: food translation: broth, stock 出汁を取る: dashiotoru: prepare stock <<< 取 出汁に使う: dashinitsukau: make a cat's-paw of a person, use a person as a tool <<< 使 を出汁にして: odashinishite: under the pretext of 山車pronunciation: dashikanji characters: 山 , 車 keyword: fest translation: float, festival [procession] car, pageant 脱線pronunciation: dassenkanji characters: 脱 , 線 keyword: train translation: derailment, digression 脱線する: dassensuru: derail, digress | |
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