Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: 同人,導入,同音,道楽,同列,道理,道路,同類,動力,同僚

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Direct access: 同人 , 導入 , 同音 , 道楽 , 同列 , 道理 , 道路 , 同類 , 動力 , 同僚


pronunciation: dounin , doujin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: member, coterie, the same [said] person, person in question
同人雑誌: douninzasshi, doujinzasshi: literary coterie magazine <<< 雑誌
同人誌: doujinshi <<<
check also: クラブ , サークル


pronunciation: dounyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , music
translation: introduction, innovation
導入する: dounyuusuru: introduce, innovate
導入部: dounyuubu: introduction <<<
外資導入: gaishidounyuu: introduction of foreign capital <<< 外資


pronunciation: douon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: the same sound, unison
同音語: douongo: homonyme, homophone <<<
同音意義語: douonnigigo
同音意義: douonnigi: homonymy


pronunciation: douraku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: dissipation, debauchery, hobby, amusement
道楽する: dourakusuru: lead a loose [dissipated] life, sow one's wild oats
道楽に: dourakuni: for pleasure, as a hobby
道楽者: dourakumono: prodigal, libertine, man of pleasure <<<
道楽息子: dourakumusuko: prodigal son <<< 息子
食道楽: shokudouraku: gastronomy <<<
食道楽の: shokudourakuno: gastronomic
synonyms: 趣味


pronunciation: douretsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: the same rank, the same file


pronunciation: douri
kanji characters: ,
translation: reason, truth
道理で: douride: It is no wonder, naturally
道理に適った: dourinikanatta: reasonable, rational, sensible <<<
道理に背いた: dourinisomuita: unreasonable, irrational, absurd <<<
道理に従う: dourinishitagau: listen to reason <<<
道理を説く: douriotoku: persuade [reason] (a person) into compliance, dissuade (a person) from <<<
道理上: dourijou: naturally, of course <<< , 当然
check also: 条理


pronunciation: douro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: road
translation: road, street, roadway
道路網: douromou: road network <<<
道路標識: dourohyoushiki: road sign <<< 標識
道路工事: dourokouji: road repairing <<< 工事
道路工夫: dourokouhu: roadman <<< 工夫
道路交通: dourokoutsuu: road traffic <<< 交通
道路交通法: dourokoutsuuhou: Road Traffic Law <<<
道路妨害: dourobougai: traffic block <<< 妨害
道路地図: dourochizu: road map <<< 地図
高速道路: kousokudouro: speedway, freeway, superhighway <<< 高速
支線道路: shisendouro: feeder highway [road] <<< 支線
有料道路: yuuryoudouro: toll road <<< 有料
環状道路: kanjoudouro: loop road, ring road <<< 環状
立体交差道路: rittaikousadouro: flyover roadway, overpass <<< 立体
弾丸道路: dangandouro: superhighway, freeway <<< 弾丸
幹線道路: kansendouro: principal road, main road, highway <<< 幹線
循環道路: junkandouro: circular road <<< 循環
アクセス道路: akusesudouro: access road <<< アクセス
アスファルト道路: asufarutodouro: asphalted road <<< アスファルト
check also:


pronunciation: dourui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: same class [kind, category], complice
同類項: douruikou: similar [like] term <<<
check also: 仲間


pronunciation: douryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , transport
translation: power (n.), dynamic force
動力の: douryokuno: dynamic
動力計: douryokukei: dynamometer <<<
動力線: douryokusen: power line <<<
動力装置: douryokusouchi: power plant <<< 装置
動力ブレーキ: douryokubureeki: power brake <<< ブレーキ


pronunciation: douryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: colleague, coworker, workmate, fellow worker, companion, comrade
check also: 同輩

The displayed words on this page are 818 - 827 among 7921.

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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27