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挑category: common usageradical: keyword: sport nb of strokes: 9 translation: challenge, defy, hoist chou 挑げる: kakageru: hoist <<< 掲 挑む: idomu: challenge (v.), defy, pick a quarrel (with) Kanji words: 挑戦 , 挑発 某category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 9 translation: a, one, certain, a certain person, Chinese plum bou, bai 某: bou: a, one, certain, a certain person 某: soregashi: a certain person Kanji words: 某所 check also: 楳 洪category: common usageradical: keyword: disaster nb of strokes: 9 translation: flood, inundation kou 洪: oomizu Kanji words: 洪水 牲category: common usageradical: keyword: religion nb of strokes: 9 translation: sacrifice, offering, scapegoat sei, shou 牲: ikenie <<< 生贄 Kanji words: 犠牲
窃category: common usageradical: keyword: crime nb of strokes: 9 translation: steal, rob setsu 窃む: nusumu: steal, rob 窃か: hisoka: secret 糾category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 9 translation: make a rope, examine (bor.), investigate, inquire [look] into kyuu 糾う: azanau: make a rope 糾す: tadasu: examine, investigate, inquire [look] into <<< 正 , 質 荘category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 9 translation: solemn, grave sou, shou 荘かな: ogosokana: solemn, strict, stern, grave, impressive, awe-inspiring, majestic 荘ん: sakan: vigorous, energetic Kanji words: 別荘 訂category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 9 translation: consult, confer, correct, amend, reform, rectify tei 訂る: hakaru: consult, confer 訂す: tadasu: correct, amend, reform, rectify Kanji words: 改訂 , 訂正 郊category: common usageradical: keyword: town nb of strokes: 9 translation: suburbs, outskirts kou Kanji words: 近郊 , 郊外 狭category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 9 translation: narrow, strait, limited, restricted, confined, poky kyou 狭い: semai: narrow, strait, limited, restricted, confined, poky, small, cramped 狭き門: semakimon: strait gate, numerus clausus <<< 門 狭める: sebameru: narrow (vt.), reduce (width), limit 狭まる: sebamaru: become narrow 狭: sa: a Japanese prefix Kanji words: 狭軌 Expressions: 心の狭い , 幅の狭い , 狭い意味で , 肩幅が狭い , 肩身が狭い , 狭い胸囲 , 視野が狭い , 範囲が狭い antonyms: 広 | |
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