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俊category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 9 translation: surpass, superior, excel shun 俊れる: sugureru: surpass (a person), be superior to (a person), outdo (a person), excel (a person in doing) 勅category: common usageradical: keyword: law nb of strokes: 9 translation: imperial decree, edict choku 勅める: imashimeru: admonish (a person against doing, a person not to do), warn, punish 勅: mikotonori: imperial decree, edict <<< 詔 Kanji words: 勅令 貞category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 9 translation: right, just, proper, correct tei, jou 貞しい: tadashii: right (a.), just, proper, correct, accurate, exact, rightful, lawful, legitimate, sound, righteous, upright, truthful, honest 貞まる: sadamaru: be decided, be determined, become settled, be chosen Kanji words: 貞操 , 童貞 厘category: common usageradical: keyword: unit nb of strokes: 9 translation: unit of measure (one thousandth, one hundredth) rin 厘: rin: unit of old Japanese money (one thousandth of yen, jp.) 厘: mise: shop, store check also: 円 , 銭
姻category: common usageradical: keyword: family nb of strokes: 9 translation: marry, marriage in 姻ぐ: totsugu: marry (a man), be married to (a man), marry into (a family) 姻: yomeiri: marriage Kanji words: 婚姻 孤category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 9 translation: alone, orphan ko 孤: minashigo: orphan <<< 孤児 孤: hitori: alone <<< 一人 孤く: somuku: disobey, betray Kanji words: 孤児 , 孤独 , 孤立 峡category: common usageradical: keyword: nature nb of strokes: 9 translation: (narrow) valley kyou 峡: hazama Kanji words: 海峡 , 峡谷 check also: 谷 帥category: common usageradical: keyword: war nb of strokes: 9 translation: lead, direct (v.), manage sui, sotsu 帥: sotsu: tit. (jp.) 帥いる: hikiiru: lead, direct (v.), manage Kanji words: 元帥 恒category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 9 translation: constant, invariable, permanent kou 恒: tsune Kanji words: 恒星 , 恒例 synonyms: 常 拷category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 9 translation: strike, hit, beat gou, kou 拷つ: utsu Kanji words: 拷問 synonyms: 打 | |
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