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辛category: common usageradical: keyword: food nb of strokes: 7 translation: bitter, pain, piquant, difficult, harsh, eighth symbol of jik. (bor.) shin 辛い: karai: piquant, hot, pungent, peppery, salty 辛い: tsurai: painful, hard, difficult, harsh, trying, bitter 辛い目に遭う: tsuraimeniau: have a hard time of it, have bitter experiences 辛い思いをする: tsuraiomoiosuru <<< 思 辛うじて: karoujite: barely, with difficulty 辛うじて間に合う: karoujitemaniau: just in time (for) 辛: kanoto: eighth symbol of jik. 辛: karashi: pepper (jp.) <<< 辛子 Kanji words: 辛口 , 辛子 , 香辛料 , 辛抱 Expressions: 点が辛い , 採点が辛い 芯category: JIS1radical: keyword: plant nb of strokes: 7 translation: core, heart, pitch, marrow, rag, wick, lead, rush (plant) shin 芯: shin: core, heart, pitch, marrow, rag, wick, lead 芯まで腐った: shinmadekusatta: rotten to the core <<< 腐 芯を出す: shinnodasu: turn up the wick <<< 出 芯を取る: shinnotoru <<< 取 芯を折る: shinnooru: break the lead <<< 折 芯: toushingusa: rush (plant) Expressions: 鉛筆の芯 , 蝋燭の芯 , ランプの芯 check also: 心 芝category: common usageradical: keyword: plant nb of strokes: 7 translation: mushroom, fungus shi 芝: shiba: turf (jp.) Kanji words: 芝居 , 芝刈 , 芝生 谷category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: geography nb of strokes: 7 translation: valley, dale, vale, ravine, glen, gorge koku, yoku 谷: tani Kanji words: 峡谷 , 渓谷 , 渋谷 , 谷間 Expressions: 気圧の谷
坐category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 7 translation: action of sitting (orig.), sit za 坐る: suwaru: sit down, take a seat, be seated, squat 坐ながら: inagara: without moving 坐に: sozoroni: in spite of oneself, involuntarily, somehow 坐す: owasu: exist (jp., pol.), be (there) Kanji words: 胡坐 synonyms: 座 串category: JIS1radical: keyword: utensil nb of strokes: 7 translation: skewer, spit, pierce, accustomed (bor.) kan 串: kushi: skewer (n.), spit 串に刺す: kushinisasu: skewer (v.) <<< 刺 串に刺して焼く: kushinisashiteyaku: roast on skewers Expressions: 串カツ check also: 慣 抗category: common usageradical: keyword: war nb of strokes: 7 translation: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, defend (bor.), protect, ward off, resist, stand against kou 抗げる: ageru: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist 抗たる: ataru: face, confront, stand against 抗ぐ: husegu: defend (against), protect (from, against), ward off, resist, stand against, keep away (off, out), hold in check, prevent Kanji words: 抗菌 , 抗議 , 抗原 , 抗生物質 , 抗体 , 対抗 , 抵抗 , 反抗 Expressions: 石炭抗 汲category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 7 translation: draw, scoop, ladle, pump kyuu 汲む: kumu: draw (water from), scoop up, ladle out, pump out [up], sympathize with (ext.), appreciate, consider 汲み取る: kumitoru <<< 取 汲み上げる: kumiageru: draw (water) from, pump up <<< 上 汲み干す: kumihosu: drain [pump] out, pump dry, empty <<< 干 Expressions: ポンプで汲む synonyms: 掬 呑category: JIS1radical: keyword: food nb of strokes: 7 translation: swallow, gulp down, destroy, ruin don, ton, ten 呑む: nomu: swallow, gulp down Kanji words: 呑気 Expressions: 声を呑む , 波に呑まれる , 恨みを呑む , 涙を呑む , 条件を呑む synonyms: 飲 弄category: JIS1radical: keyword: amusement nb of strokes: 7 translation: play, trifle, toy, sport, frolic, fumble, tamper rou 弄ぶ: moteasobu: play [trifle, toy] with, make sport [a fool] of <<< 遊 弄れる: tawamureru: play, sport, frolic 弄る: ijiru: finger (v.), fumble with, play with, touch, tamper with <<< タッチ 弄くる: ijikuru Kanji words: 愚弄 , 庭弄り Expressions: 指で弄る , 策を弄する , 策略を弄する | |
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