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呈category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 7 translation: explain, present, show, indicate, exhibit, give (ext.) tei 呈する: teisuru: present, make a present of, offer, show, indicate, exhibit 呈す: shimesu: show, point out, indicate, instruct, explain, demonstrate Kanji words: 贈呈 Expressions: 活気を呈する , 奇観を呈する , 光景を呈する , 賛辞を呈する , 症状を呈する , 盛況を呈する 尾category: common usageradical: keyword: animal nb of strokes: 7 translation: tail, scut, trail bi 尾: o: tail, scut, brush, train, trail 尾: shippo <<< 尻尾 尾を振る: oohuru: wag its tail <<< 振 尾を巻く: oomaku: curl its trail <<< 巻 尾り: owari: end, termination 尾む: tsurumu: copulate Kanji words: 交尾 , 尻尾 , 接尾 , 船尾 , 尾行 , 尾骨 Expressions: 狐の尾 , 彗星の尾 忍category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 7 translation: bear, stand, endure, put up with, persevere nin, jin 忍ぶ: shinobu: bear, stand, endure, put up with, persevere, conceal [avoid] oneself (jp.) 忍ばせる: shinobaseru: conceal 忍び: shinobi: ninja (jp.) 忍び足で: shinobiashide: stealthily, with stealthy steps, on tiptoe <<< 足 忍び難い: shinobigatai: unbearable, insufferable, intolerable <<< 難 忍び込む: shinobikomu: steal [slip] in [into] <<< 込 忍び入る: shinobiiru <<< 入 忍び寄る: shinobiyoru: steal near [up, to], draw near unnoticed <<< 寄 忍: oshi: pers. Kanji words: 堪忍 , 忍者 , 忍術 , 忍耐 , 忍法 Expressions: 恥を忍ぶ , 恥を忍んで , 足音を忍ばせて , 不便を忍ぶ 戻category: common usageradical: keyword: travel nb of strokes: 7 translation: conflict, reach rei, rai 戻る: motoru: act [be] contrary to, be [go] against, conflict (with) 戻る: itaru: go [come] (to), get (to), arrive (at, in), reach 戻: tsumi: crime, offense, guilt 戻す: modosu: return (jp.), give back, put back, pay back, send back, throw [bring] up, vomit, unwind, reject, turn down <<< 返 戻る: modoru: come [go] back [home] (jp.), return, trace one's step, unwind itself, get loose, run down Kanji words: 買戻し Expressions: 引き戻す , 取り戻す , 巻き戻す , 連れ戻す , 買い戻す , 原点に戻る , 白紙に戻す , 振出に戻る
攻category: common usageradical: keyword: war , sport nb of strokes: 7 translation: attack, assault, study (ext.), master kou 攻める: semeru: attack (v.), open an attack upon, assault 攻める: osameru: study, complete (the course of), master Kanji words: 攻撃 , 攻勢 , 攻防 , 攻略 , 専攻 , 特攻 Expressions: 陣地を攻める 快category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 7 translation: agreeable, pleasant, refreshing, brisk kai 快い: kokoroyoi: agreeable, pleasant, refreshing, brisk 快く: kokoroyoku: pleasantly, agreeably, cheerfully, delightfully, obligingly, willingly, readily, gladly, with pleasure 快く思う: kokoroyokuomou: be pleased (at, with) <<< 思 快く思わない: kokoroyokuomowanai: be unpleased (at, with) <<< 思 Kanji words: 快感 , 快晴 , 快速 , 快適 , 快楽 , 軽快 , 豪快 , 爽快 , 不快 , 愉快 没category: common usageradical: keyword: disaster nb of strokes: 7 translation: dive, plunge, sink, drown, die, pass away, decease botsu, mochi 没む: shizumu: dive (vi.), plunge, sink, go to the bottom, go down, set (the sun), be downcast, be rejected, feel depressed, droop 没れる: oboreru: be drowned, drown 没ぬ: shinu: die, pass away, decease Kanji words: 戦没 , 沈没 , 日没 , 没頭 , 没落 Expressions: 水底に没する 肝category: common usageradical: keyword: organs nb of strokes: 7 translation: liver, gall bladder, courage, pluck, grit kan 肝: kimo 肝の太い: kimonohutoi: daring, bold, plucky <<< 太 肝の小さい: kimonochiisai: timid, chickenhearted, cowardly, white-livered <<< 小 肝を潰す: kimootsubusu: be astounded [flabbergasted], be frightened out of one's wits <<< 潰 肝を冷やす: kimoohiyasu: be scared [frightened], have a thrill of horror <<< 冷 肝に銘じる: kimonimeijiru: take (a matter) to heart, realize (a matter) keenly, be deeply impressed (by, with) <<< 銘 Kanji words: 肝炎 , 肝心 , 肝臓 , 肝要 肘category: JIS1radical: keyword: body nb of strokes: 7 translation: elbow, arm chuu 肘: hiji 肘を枕にする: hijiomakuranisuru: rest one's head on one's own arm <<< 枕 肘を張る: hikioharu: square [spread out] one's elbow <<< 張 肘で押す: hijideosu: elbow (v.) <<< 押 肘で突く: hijidetsuku: nudge (a person) <<< 突 肘を突く: hijiotsuku: rest [lean] one's elbows on [upon] <<< 突 励category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 7 translation: encourage, endeavor rei 励む: hagemu: endeavor (to do, after an aim), strive [exert oneself] (to do, for), be diligent (in, at) 励ます: hagemasu: encourage, cheer up, stimulate 励み: hagemi: encouragement, stimulus 励みに成る: hagemininaru: encouraging, serve as a stimulus (to a person) <<< 成 励みが付く: hagemigatsuku: be encouraged, be stimulated <<< 付 励み合う: hagemiau: vie with each other <<< 合 Kanji words: 激励 , 奨励 Expressions: 家業に励む , 業務に励む | |
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