Online English-Japanese dictionary: 吊,尖,辿,臼,至,缶,舟,伊,弛,旨

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Direct access: , , 辿 , , , , , , ,

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 6
translation: hang, suspend
吊す: tsurusu
吊る: tsuru
Kanji words: 宙吊り , 吊橋
Expressions: 鉤に吊るす , 蚊帳を吊る , 吊灯籠 , ズボン吊 , 吊りランプ
check also:

category: JIS1
keyword: shape
nb of strokes: 6
translation: sharp, pointed, peaked, point, tip, nib
尖る: togaru: become [get] sharp [pointed]
尖った: togatta: sharp, pointed, peaked
尖った鼻: togattahana: hawk nose <<<
尖った頭: togattaatama: peaked head <<<
尖: saki: point, tip, nib
尖い: surudoi: sharp, pointed
Kanji words: 尖塔
Expressions: 先の尖った , 唇を尖らす


category: JIS1
keyword: travel
nb of strokes: 6
translation: follow, trudge along
辿る: tadoru: follow (a path), trudge [toil] along, grope one's way
辿り着く: tadoritsuku: find one's way to (a place) at last, struggle along <<<
Expressions: 足跡を辿る , 記憶を辿る , 系統を辿る , ルーツを辿る

category: JIS1
keyword: utensil
nb of strokes: 6
translation: mortar, hand mill
臼: usu
臼で搗く: usudetsuku: pound in a mortar
臼で挽く: usudehiku: grind with a mill <<<
Kanji words: 臼歯 , 脱臼

category: to learn in school
keyword: travel
nb of strokes: 6
translation: arrive, reach
至る: itaru: go [come] (to), get (to), arrive (at, in), reach, extend (to), cover, come to do, end [result] (in)
至: nori, michi, mune, yuki, yoshi: pers.
Kanji words: 夏至 , 至急 , 至上 , 冬至
Expressions: 狂気に至る

category: common usage
other spells:
keyword: utensil
nb of strokes: 6
translation: pitcher, a Chinese music instrument
kan, huu, hu
缶: kan: can (n., jp.), tin
缶: kama: boiler <<<
缶: hotogi: pitcher, jug
Kanji words: 缶切 , 缶詰 , 薬缶
Expressions: アルミ缶 , コールタール缶 , ドラム缶 , ブリキ缶

category: common usage
keyword: ship
nb of strokes: 6
translation: ship, boat, vessel
舟: hune: ship, boat, tub (jp.), bathtub
check also: ボート

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 6
translation: manage, this (bor.), that, only, Italy (suff.)
伊: kore: this
伊: kare: that (anc.), he, him
伊: tada: only, solely, merely
Kanji words: 伊勢 , 伊達
check also: イタリア

category: only in Japanese
nb of strokes: 6
translation: slack, loose, relax, abate
shi, chi
弛む, 弛む: yurumu, tarumu: become slack [flabby], slacken, grow [come] loose, loosen, relax, abate
弛んだ, 弛んだ: yurunda, tarunda: loose, slack, dull, limp
弛み, 弛み: yurumi, tarumi: looseness, slackness, relaxation, relief

category: common usage
keyword: food
nb of strokes: 6
translation: taste, purport (conf.)
旨い: umai: tasty, nice, good
旨そうな: umasouna: delicious-looking, appetizing, tempting
旨: mune: purport (n.)
旨: wake: reason, warrant
Kanji words: 旨味 , 趣旨
Expressions: 着付が旨い

The displayed words on this page are 323 - 332 among 2783.

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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27