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叫category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 6 translation: shout, cry kyou 叫ぶ: sakebu: shout (v.), cry (out), give a cry, exclaim, clamor, shriek, scream, roar, howl, advocate 叫び: sakebi: shout (n.), exclamation, shriek, scream, clamor, roar, howl, wail Kanji words: 絶叫 Expressions: 泣き叫ぶ 血category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: medicine , biology nb of strokes: 6 translation: blood, lineage ketsu, kechi 血: chi 血が出る: chigaderu: Blood runs [flows] out, Blood oozes, bleed <<< 出 , 出血 血を出す: chiodasu: shed [let] blood <<< 出 血を流す: chionagasu <<< 流 血を吐く: chiohaku: cough out [spit] blood, vomit blood <<< 吐 血を止める: chiotomeru: stop the bleeding [blood] <<< 止 , 止血 血の付いた: chinotsuita: stained with blood, bloodstained <<< 付 血を見る: chiomiru: end in bloodshed <<< 見 血に飢えた: chiniueta: bloodthirsty <<< 飢 血の繋がり: chinotsunagari: blood relationship <<< 繋 血が繋がった: chigatsunagatta: related (to a person) by blood <<< 繋 血を沸かす: chiowakasu: stir one's blood <<< 沸 血の気の無い: chinokenonai: pale (and bloodless) 血の気の多い: chinokenoooi: hot-blooded, sanguine Kanji words: 吸血 , 血管 , 血気 , 血球 , 血漿 , 血小板 , 血色 , 血栓 , 血統 , 血圧 , 血液 , 血便 , 献血 , 混血 , 採血 , 止血 , 出血 , 充血 , 血筋 , 血染め , 脳溢血 , 敗血症 , 白血病 , 貧血 , 輸血 , 流血 Expressions: 静脈血 , 動脈血 耳category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: body nb of strokes: 6 translation: ear ji 耳: mimi: ear, edge, selvage, selvedge 耳が早い: mimigahayai: be quick of hearing <<< 早 耳が良い: mimigaii <<< 良 耳が遠い: mimigatooi: be hard of hearing <<< 遠 耳が鳴る: mimiganaru: have a ringing [singing, buzzing] in one's ears, One's ears ring [sing] <<< 鳴 耳にする: miminisuru: hear <<< 聞 耳に入る: miminihairu: learn, reach one's ears, come to one's knowledge <<< 入 耳に入れる: miminiireru: informer <<< 入 耳に残る: mimininokoru: ring [linger] in one's ear <<< 残 耳を貸す: mimiokasu: lend one's ear to <<< 貸 耳を貸さない: mimiokasanai: give no ear to, turn a deaf ear to, won't listen to <<< 貸 耳を澄ます: mimiosumasu: pick up [strain, cock] one's ears <<< 澄 耳を欹てる: mimiosobadateru 耳が痛い: mimigaitai: have an earache, be ashamed to hear (it), tingle in one's ears <<< 痛 Kanji words: 耳科 , 中耳 , 内耳 , 耳掻き , 耳朶 Expressions: 耳医者 , 耳が鋭敏 , 片方の耳 , 地獄耳 , 耳を掃除する , パンの耳 羊category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: animal nb of strokes: 6 translation: sheep, lamb you 羊: hitsuji: sheep, Australian dollar (in forex) 羊の毛: hitsujinoke: wool <<< 毛 羊の肉: hitsujinoniku: mutton, lamb <<< 肉 , ラム 羊の皮: hitsujinokawa: sheepskin <<< 皮 羊の群れ: hitsujinomure: flock of sheep <<< 群 Kanji words: 子羊 , 羊歯 , 羊飼 , 山羊 , 羊羹 , 羊水 , 羊毛 Expressions: 雄の羊 , 去勢羊 , アンゴラ羊 , クローン羊 , メリーさんの羊
圭category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 6 translation: ball, bead, gem, jewel kei 圭: tama 圭: kado: angle (of gem) check also: 玉 机category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: furniture nb of strokes: 6 translation: table, desk, bureau ki 机: tsukue 机に向う: tsukuenimukau: sit at the desk <<< 向 synonyms: デスク , テーブル 肉category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: meat , body nb of strokes: 6 translation: meat, flesh niku, jiku 肉が付く: nikugatsuku: gain flesh, get fat <<< 付 肉が落ちる: nikugaochiru: lose flesh, get thin <<< 落 肉の厚い: nikunoatsui: thick <<< 厚 肉の多い: nikunoooi: fleshy, fat <<< 多 肉の薄い: nikunousui: thin <<< 薄 肉の無い: nikunonai: fleshless, thin <<< 無 肉の締まった: nikunoshimatta: muscular, brawny, well-knit <<< 締 Kanji words: 筋肉 , 牛肉 , 鹿肉 , 鶏肉 , 肉眼 , 肉腫 , 肉食 , 肉親 , 肉汁 , 肉片 , 肉屋 , 肉桂 , 馬肉 , 肋肉 , 挽肉 , 皮肉 , 豚肉 , 焼肉 Expressions: 羊の肉 , 柔らかい肉 , 鹿の肉 , 霊と肉 , 乾燥肉 , 子牛の肉 , 肉団子 , 肉布団 , 肉饅頭 , 肉料理 , 冷凍肉 , 肉のペースト , ラムの肉 朱category: common usageradical: keyword: color nb of strokes: 6 translation: red, vermilion shu: old unit of money (jp.) 朱に交われば赤くなる: shunimajiwarebaakakunaru: He who touches pitch shall be defiled therewith 朱い: akai: red (a.) 朱: aka: red (n.) 朱: ake Kanji words: 朱色 弐category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 6 translation: two, pair, accompany (ext.) ni, ji 弐つ: hutatsu: two 弐う: sou: accompany 仮category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: time nb of strokes: 6 translation: provisional, temporary, falsehood, lie, fraud ka, ke 仮: kari: provisional (pref.), temporary 仮の: karino: provisional (a.), temporary, transient, transitory 仮の名: karinona: assumed name, pseudonym, alias <<< 名 , 通称 仮の世: karinoyo: evanescent [transient] world <<< 世 仮に: karini: provisionally, provisionally, for the time being, on trial 仮り: itsuwari: falsehood, lie, fraud 仮りる: kariru: borrow Kanji words: 仮死 , 仮装 , 仮想 , 仮定 , 仮名 , 仮面 Expressions: 仮契約 , 仮差押 , 仮釈放 , 仮釈放する | |
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