Online English-Japanese dictionary: 包,弘,叱

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Direct access: , ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
nb of strokes: 5
translation: wrap, pack, envelop, packet, package, parcel
包む: tsutsumu: wrap up, pack up, cover, envelop (in), surround (with), conceal
包み: tsutsumi: packet, package, parcel, bundle, bale
包みにする: tsutsuminisuru: make a bundle [package] of (things), wrap (goods)
包みを解く: tsutsumiotoku, tsutsumiohodoku: open [undo, unwrap] a package <<<
包み隠す: tsutsumikakusu: conceal, keep (a matter) secret (from a person) <<<
包み隠さず: tsutsumikakusazu: frankly, openly <<<
包み込む: tsutsumikomu: wrap (a thing) in (paper) <<<
包み直す: tsutsuminaosu: wrap (a thing) again <<<
包める: kurumeru: make (things) into a bundle, put [bring] things together <<<
Kanji words: 小包 , 梱包 , 縫包み , 包囲 , 包茎 , 包装 , 包帯 , 包丁
Expressions: 巻き包む , 紙に包む , 霧に包まれる , 火炎に包まれる , 二重に包む , 別々に包む , オブラートに包む , ミステリーに包まれ

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 5
translation: wide, vast, spacious, broad, large, roomy
kou, gu
弘い: hiroi
弘: hiro, mitsu: pers.

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 5
translation: scold, rebuke, reprimand
叱る: shikaru: scold, rebuke, reprimand, berate, call (a person) down, read (a person) a lecture
叱られる: shikarareru: be scolded, catch it
叱り飛ばす: shikaritobasu: blow (a person) up, take (a person) roundly to task, give (a person) a good scolding, storm at (a person) <<<
The displayed words on this page are 240 - 242 among 2783.

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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27