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丹category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 4 translation: red, devotion, sincerity tan 丹: aka: red 丹: magokoro: devotion, sincerity <<< 真心 丹: ni: pers. Kanji words: 丹精 , 丹念 , 牡丹 冗category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 4 translation: waste (of time), leisure, spare time jou 冗: muda: waste (of time) <<< 無駄 冗: hima: leisure, spare time 冗じる: majiru: associate [mix] with Kanji words: 冗談 刈category: common usageradical: keyword: farming nb of strokes: 4 translation: cut, clip, harvest, crop gai, kai 刈: kari: harvest (n.), crop 刈上げる: kariageru: cut a person's hair short, shingle <<< 上 刈る: karu: harvest (v.), crop, cut, clip Kanji words: 芝刈 Expressions: 草を刈る , 柴を刈る , 髪を刈る , 稲を刈る , 鎌で刈る , 雑草を刈る , 兵隊刈り , 坊主刈り , 羊毛を刈る 匁category: only in Japaneseradical: keyword: unit nb of strokes: 4 translation: unit of weight ( ca. 3.75 g, jp.) 匁: monme
匹category: common usageradical: keyword: animal nb of strokes: 4 translation: species, unit to count animals hitsu, hiki 匹: tagui: species, kind, match 匹える: tagueru: compare Kanji words: 一匹 , 匹敵 午category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: time nb of strokes: 4 translation: horse (zod.), seventh, noon go 午: uma: horse (zod.) 午: mahiru: midday, noon <<< 真昼 午らう: sakarau: oppose, confront 午わる: majiwaru: cross (v.) Kanji words: 午後 , 午前 , 正午 升category: common usageradical: keyword: unit nb of strokes: 4 translation: go up, unit of volume (ca. 1.8 liter) shou 升: masu: container of 1.8 liter 升る: noboru: go up (lift from the well) 厄category: common usageradical: keyword: disaster nb of strokes: 4 translation: misfortune, calamity, bad luck yaku, ga yaku: bad karma (jp.) 厄い: wazawai: misfortune, calamity, bad luck 厄うい: ayaui: unsafe, dangerous, perilous Kanji words: 厄介 収category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: accounting nb of strokes: 4 translation: keep, store, supply, pay shuu 収める: osameru: supply, pay 収まる: osamaru: be paid, be held Kanji words: 回収 , 吸収 , 月収 , 収穫 , 収支 , 収集 , 収縮 , 収束 , 収入 , 収納 , 収容 , 徴収 , 撤収 , 買収 , 領収 Expressions: 矛を収める , 鞘に収める , 手中に収める , 成果を収める , 戦果を収める , アーカイブに収める , カメラに収める , フィルムに収める synonyms: 納 双category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 4 translation: pair, duo, equal, species, kind, sort sou 双つ: hutatsu: two 双ぶ: narabu: equal 双: tagui: species, kind, sort Kanji words: 双六 , 双生児 , 双方 , 双子 , 双葉 synonyms: ペア | |
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