Online English-Japanese dictionary: 檻,鯉,蹣,繭,穫,曙,嚔,鎮,礎,藩

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Direct access: , , , , , , , , ,

category: JIS2
keyword: animal
nb of strokes: 18
translation: cage, pen, corral, fold, sty, cell, jail, prison, handrail, railing, balustrade
kan, gen
檻: ori: cage, pen, corral, fold, sty, cell, jail, prison
檻: tesuri: handrail, railing, balustrade
Kanji words: 折檻

category: JIS1
keyword: fish
nb of strokes: 18
translation: carp
鯉: koi
Kanji words: 錦鯉
Expressions: 俎板の鯉

category: JIS2
nb of strokes: 18
translation: stagger, reel, totter, falter, wobble
han, man
蹣く: yoromeku: stagger, reel, totter, falter, wobble, fall for (a person), have an affair (with a person)
蹣きながら: yoromekinagara: with tottering [unsteady] steps
蹣きながら立つ: yoromekinagaratatsu: stagger [scramble] to one's feet <<<
蹣き歩く: yoromekiaruku: reel along <<<
蹣き倒れる: yoromekitaoreru: topple down (over) <<<

category: common usage
keyword: insect
nb of strokes: 18
translation: cocoon
繭: mayu

category: common usage
keyword: farming
nb of strokes: 18
translation: harvest, gather
穫る: karu: harvest (vt.), gather
穫れる: toriireru
Kanji words: 収穫

category: JIS1
keyword: time
nb of strokes: 18
translation: dawn, daybreak
曙: akebono
synonyms: , 夜明

category: JIS2
keyword: health
nb of strokes: 18
translation: sneeze, sternutation
嚔: kushami, kusame: sneeze (n.), sternutation
嚔をする: kushamiosuru: sneeze (v.), have a fit of sneezing
嚔が出る: kushamigaderu <<<
check also:

category: common usage
keyword: war
nb of strokes: 18
translation: quiet, calm, still, defense, hold (n.), subjugate, subdue
chin, ten
鎮める: shizumeru: quiet (vt.), calm, still, pacify, subjugate, subdue, quell, suppress
鎮まる: shizumaru: quiet (vi.), calm, still
鎮え: osae: defense, control (n.), hold, subjugation
Kanji words: 鎮火 , 鎮痙剤 , 鎮魂 , 鎮痛
Expressions: 内乱を鎮める , 反乱を鎮める

category: common usage
keyword: construction
nb of strokes: 18
translation: foundation, base, cornerstone
so, sho
礎: ishizue: foundation stone, cornerstone, foundation, base
礎を築く: ishizueokizuku: lay the foundation (of, for) <<<
礎を据え: ruishizueosueru <<<
Kanji words: 基礎
synonyms: 土台

category: common usage
keyword: japanese history
nb of strokes: 18
translation: hedge, fence, feudal clan (ext.)
藩: han: realm in feudal Japan (jp.)
藩: magaki: hedge, fence
Expressions: 加賀藩 , 佐賀藩 , 仙台藩 , 富山藩 , 水戸藩

The displayed words on this page are 2627 - 2636 among 2783.

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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27