Online English-Japanese dictionary: 錨,濡,霙,糠,鼾,擦,醜,濯,療,霜

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category: JIS1
keyword: ship
nb of strokes: 17
translation: anchor
錨: ikari: anchor (n.)
錨を揚げる: ikarioageru: weigh anchor <<<
錨を降ろす: ikarioorosu: anchor (v.), cast anchor <<<
錨を降ろした: ikariooroshita: at anchor, anchored <<<

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 17
translation: wet, damp, soak, drench
ju, nyu
濡れる: nureru: get [be] wet, be damp, be soaked [drenched]
濡らす: nurasu: wet (v.), moisten, soak, dip
濡れた: nureta: wet (a.), moist, damp
濡う: uruou: be moistened, get wet
濡す: uruosu: moisten, wet, enrich, make rich, benefit
濡い: uruoi: moisture, dampness
Expressions: 雨に濡れる , 袖を濡らす , 朝露に濡れた , 濡れ布巾

category: JIS2
keyword: weather
nb of strokes: 17
translation: sleet
ei, you
霙: mizore
霙が降る: mizoregahuru: It sleets <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: food
nb of strokes: 17
translation: rice bran
糠: nuka
糠に釘: nukanikugi: be like plowing the sand, have no effect (on), be lost upon a person <<<
Expressions: 糠味噌

category: JIS2
keyword: health
nb of strokes: 17
translation: snore
鼾: ibiki: snore (n.), snoring
鼾を掻く: ibikiokaku: snore (v.), snort <<<
鼾掻き: ibikikaki: snorer <<<
鼾を掻く人: ibikiokakuhito

category: common usage
nb of strokes: 17
translation: rub, chafe, stroke, pat, scratch, scrape, graze
擦る: suru: rub (vt.), file, frost, strike, lose (jp.) <<<
擦れる: sureru: rub (vi.), wear, be worn (out), lose one's modesty [naïveté] (jp.)
擦る: sasuru: rub (vt.), chafe, stroke, pat
擦る: kasuru: scratch, scrape, graze
擦る: kosuru: rub, scrub, scour, chafe, brush
Kanji words: 阿婆擦 , 摩擦
Expressions: 軽石で擦る , 束子で擦る

category: common usage
nb of strokes: 17
translation: ugly, nasty, bad-looking, sort (bor.)
醜い: minikui: ugly, nasty, bad-looking
醜さ: minikusa: ugliness
醜む: nikumu: hate, detest
醜: tagui: kind (n., bor.), sort
醜しい: hitoshii: equal, identical
Kanji words: 醜女

category: common usage
keyword: hygiene
nb of strokes: 17
translation: wash, rinse
濯ぐ, 濯ぐ: susugu, yusugu: rinse (vt.), wash out, gargle <<<
濯ぎ, 濯ぎ: susugi, yusugi: rinsing, rinse <<<
濯う: arau: wash
Kanji words: 洗濯

category: common usage
keyword: medicine
nb of strokes: 17
translation: cure, heal
療す: iyasu
Kanji words: 医療 , 診療 , 治療 , 療法

category: common usage
keyword: weather
nb of strokes: 17
translation: frost
霜: shimo: frost, hoar frost, white frost
霜が降りる: shimogaoriru: Frost falls [settles] <<<
Kanji words: 霜柱 , 霜焼

The displayed words on this page are 2535 - 2544 among 2783.

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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27