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謝category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: greeting nb of strokes: 17 translation: refuse, decline, apologize, beg a person's pardon, thanks sha 謝わる: kotowaru: refuse, turn down, decline, excuse oneself 謝: rei: thanks, gratitude 謝る: ayamaru: apologize, beg a person's pardon 謝: wabi: excuse (n.), apology Kanji words: 慰謝 , 感謝 , 謝意 , 謝罪 Expressions: 労を謝する , 失言を謝する 覧category: to learn in schoolradical: nb of strokes: 17 translation: watch, look at, contemplate ran 覧る: miru: watch, look at, contemplate Kanji words: 一覧 , 閲覧 , 回覧 , 観覧 , 天覧 , 展覧会 , 博覧 , 遊覧 翼category: common usageradical: keyword: bird nb of strokes: 17 translation: wing, help (two wings complement each others) yoku 翼: tsubasa: wing 翼の有る: tsubasanoaru: winged <<< 有 翼ける: tasukeru: help (v.), aid Kanji words: 右翼 , 左翼 Expressions: 回転翼 , 天使の翼 , 補助翼 , キャプテン翼 , プロペラの翼 鍵category: JIS1radical: keyword: security nb of strokes: 17 translation: key, wedge ken 鍵: kagi: key, lock (jp.) 鍵を掛ける: kagiokakeru: lock (v.) <<< 掛 鍵を閉める: kagioshimeru <<< 閉 鍵が掛かっている: kagigakakatteiru: be locked <<< 掛 鍵で錠を開ける: kagidejouoakeru: unlock (v.) 鍵を開ける: kagioakeru <<< 開 鍵を回す: kagiomawasu: turn the key <<< 回 Kanji words: 合鍵 Expressions: 車の鍵 synonyms: キー antonyms: 錠
霞category: JIS1radical: keyword: weather nb of strokes: 17 translation: haze, mist ka, ge 霞: kasumi 霞む: kasumu: grow hazy, be veiled in (a mist, clouds), grow dim, be blurred 霞んだ: kasunda: hazy, misty, dim 霞の掛かった: kasuminokakatta: hazy, misty <<< 掛 Kanji words: 霞草 check also: 霧 鍋category: JIS1radical: keyword: utensil nb of strokes: 17 translation: pan, pot ka 鍋: nabe 鍋の蓋: nabenohuta: lid <<< 蓋 鍋の柄: nabenoe: handle of a pot <<< 柄 鍋で煮る: nabedeniru: boil in a pot <<< 煮 Expressions: 親子鍋 , 鋤焼鍋 , シチュー鍋 , タジン鍋 糞category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 17 translation: excrement, dung, dirty, manure hun 糞: kuso: excrement, dung, crap, Shit! Fuck! 糞食らえ: kusokurae: Go to hell [the devil]! Curse! it! Fuck it! <<< 食 Kanji words: 猫糞 Expressions: 犬の糞 , 下手糞 synonyms: 大便 膿category: JIS1radical: keyword: medicine nb of strokes: 17 translation: pus, purulent, matter nou 膿: umi 膿を持つ: umiomotsu: form pus, fester <<< 持 膿が出る: umigaderu <<< 出 膿を出す: umiodasu: press the pus out of (a wound), lance the boil, get down to the root of the trouble <<< 出 Kanji words: 蓄膿症 , 膿腫 癌category: JIS1radical: keyword: medicine nb of strokes: 17 translation: cancer gan 癌の: gannno: cancerous Kanji words: 胃癌 , 乳癌 , 肺癌 Expressions: 咽喉癌 , 肝臓癌 , 子宮癌 , 食道癌 , 膵臓癌 , 直腸癌 , 皮膚癌 謎category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 17 translation: mystery, riddle, enigma, puzzle, secret mei bei 謎: nazo 謎の: nazono: enigmatic, mysterious, puzzling 謎の様な: nazonoyouna <<< 様 謎めいた: nazomeita 謎を掛ける: nazookakeru: ask a riddle, give a puzzle to guess <<< 掛 謎を解く: nazootoku: guess a riddle, solve a mystery <<< 解 check also: 秘密 , パズル | |
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