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罹category: JIS2radical: keyword: medicine nb of strokes: 16 translation: worry, concern, suffer (ext.) ri 罹る: kakaru: be taken ill, suffer from, be attacked (by), come down with, catch Expressions: 黄疸に罹った , 脚気に罹る , 霜焼に罹る , 蕁麻疹に罹る , 卒中に罹かる , 中気に罹る , 痛風に罹る , 凍傷に罹る , 麻疹に罹る , 梅毒に罹る , 病気に罹る , 疱瘡に罹る , カリエスに罹る , ノイローゼに罹る , ペストに罹る , ペストに罹った , ホームシックに罹る , マラリアに罹かる , リューマチに罹かる 錠category: common usageradical: keyword: tool nb of strokes: 16 translation: high leg dish jou, tei 錠: jou: lock (n., jp.), padlock, tablet 錠を下ろす: jouoorosu: lock (v.), fasten a lock <<< 下 錠を開ける: jouoakeru: unlock <<< 開 Kanji words: 手錠 Expressions: 南京錠 , ビタミン錠 synonyms: ロック check also: 鍵 蹄category: JIS1radical: keyword: animal nb of strokes: 16 translation: hoof tei 蹄: hiZume: hoof, hooves (plur.) 蹄の有る: hiZumenoaru: hoofed <<< 有 蹄の跡: hiZumenoato: hoof tracks [prints] <<< 跡 蹄の音: hiZumenooto: clatter of hoofs <<< 音 Kanji words: 口蹄疫 , 蹄鉄 薄category: common usageradical: keyword: plant , color nb of strokes: 16 translation: thin, light, clear, weak, faint, fade haku, baku 薄い: usui: thin, light, clear, weak, faint, fade 薄い色: usuiiro: light color <<< 色 薄いお茶: usuiocha: weak tea <<< 茶 薄める: usumeru: lighten (vt.), weaken, dilute 薄まる: usumaru: lighten (vi.), weaken, dilute 薄く成る: usukunaru <<< 成 薄らぐ: usuragu: thin (vi.), fade, become faint 薄れる: usureru 薄ら寒い: usurazamui: a little chilly, rather cold <<< 寒 薄: susuki: pampas grass Kanji words: 薄型 , 希薄 , 軽薄 , 薄弱 , 薄情 , 薄力粉 , 薄荷 Expressions: 肉の薄い , 影が薄い , 儲けが薄い , 薄化粧 , 薄い肉片 antonyms: 厚
曇category: common usageradical: keyword: weather nb of strokes: 16 translation: cloudy don, tan 曇る: kumoru: become cloudy [overcast], be [become] dim [blurred] (jp.), be smoked, cloud, falter 曇り: kumori: cloudy weather [sky], blur (jp.) 曇り勝ちの: kumorigachino: cloudy <<< 勝 曇った: kumotta 曇り無い: kumorinai: cloudless, clean, clear, stainless <<< 無 曇り後晴れ: kumorinochihare: 'Cloudy, fine later' 曇りガラス: kumorigarasu: frosted glass check also: 雲 頼category: common usageradical: keyword: job nb of strokes: 16 translation: ask, beg, request, rely rai 頼む: tanomu: ask, beg, request, as a favor, entreat, implore, solicit, entrust (a person) with (a matter), leave (a matter) to (a person), rely [depend, count] on [upon], engage, hire 頼み込む: tanomikomu: ask, beg, request, ask a favor, entreat, implore, solicit <<< 込 頼み: tanomi: request, solicitation 頼みを聞く: tanomiokiku: comply with a person's request <<< 聞 頼みを断る: tanomiokotowaru: reject a person's request <<< 断 頼みに成る: tanomininaru: reliable, dependable, trustworthy <<< 成 頼みにする: tanominisuru: rely [depend] upon, trust in, look to a person for help 頼みの綱: tanominotsuna: one's only hope, one's last resort <<< 綱 頼る: tayoru: rely on 頼り: tayori: reliance, dependence 頼もしい: tanomoshii: reliable, trustworthy, promising, hopeful 頼もしく思う: tanomoshikuomou: place confidence [trust] in, expect [hope] much from <<< 思 , 信頼 頼むに足らぬ: tanomunitaranu: not to be relied [depended] upon, unreliable, untrustworthy <<< 足 頼む所: tanomutokoro: one's (last) resort, one's (last) hope <<< 所 Kanji words: 依頼 , 信頼 Expressions: 宜しく頼みます , 泣いて頼む , 衆を頼んで , 計器に頼って , 直感に頼る , 留守を頼む , タクシーを頼む 懐category: common usageother spells: 懷 radical: keyword: clothes nb of strokes: 16 translation: remember, become attached kai 懐う: omou: remember 懐く: natsuku: become attached 懐ける: natsukeru: get a person attached to 懐かしむ: natsukashimu: long for, yearn for 懐かしい: natsukashii: longing 懐: hutokoro: breast, bosom, one's purse, one's pocket <<< 懐中 懐に入れる: hutokoroniireru: put (a thing) in one's bosom [pocket] <<< 入 懐を肥やす: hutokorookoyasu: fill one's (own) packet, feather one's nest <<< 肥 懐が暖かい: hutokorogaatatakai: have a heavy purse <<< 暖 懐が寂しい: hutokorogasabishii: have a light purse <<< 寂 懐を痛める: hutokorooitameru: pay out of one's pocket <<< 痛 懐く: idaku: keep (in heart) Kanji words: 懐石 , 懐中 , 懐炉 Expressions: 心に懐く , 過去を懐しむ 醒category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 16 translation: sober, disillusioned sei 醒る: sameru: sober up, become [grow] sober, be brought to one's senses, be undeceived, be disillusioned Kanji words: 覚醒 Expressions: 迷いが醒める , 迷いから醒める , 迷いを醒まさせる , 迷いから醒まさせる , 迷いを醒ます , 夢が醒める , 夢から醒める synonyms: 覚 縞category: JIS1radical: keyword: clothes nb of strokes: 16 translation: raw silk kou 縞: shima: stripes (jp.), striped pattern 縞の: shimano: striped 縞の有る: shimanoaru: with stripes <<< 有 縞: shiroginu: raw silk Kanji words: 縞馬 , 縞瑪 Expressions: 干渉縞 , 格子縞 , 縞ズボン 膨category: common usageradical: keyword: shape nb of strokes: 16 translation: swell, expand, inflate bou, hou 膨れる: hukureru: expand (vi.), swell (out), be inflated, rise 膨らむ: hukuramu 膨らます: hukuramasu: expand (vt.), swell (out), distend, inflate, blow up 膨れた: hukureta: big, swollen 膨らみ: hukurami: swelling, bulge, expansion 膨れっ面: hukurettsura: sulky look <<< 面 膨れっ面をする: hukurettsuraosuru: get [be] sulky [cross, sore] <<< 面 Kanji words: 膨張 Expressions: 頬を膨らませる , 頬の膨らんだ , 蕾が膨らむ | |
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