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暫category: common usageradical: keyword: time nb of strokes: 15 translation: provisional zan 暫く: shibaraku: for a while, for some time, a moment, a minute 暫に: karini: provisionally, provisionally, for the time being, on trial Kanji words: 暫定 鋭category: common usageradical: keyword: shape nb of strokes: 15 translation: sharp, pointed, keen, clever, fast ei, tai 鋭い: surudoi: sharp, pointed, violent, acute, cutting, poignant, keen, piercing 鋭い痛み: surudoiitami: acute pain <<< 痛 鋭く: surudoku: sharply, keenly, poignantly, acutely 鋭くする: surudokusuru: sharpen 鋭い: hayai: fast, quick, rapid Kanji words: 鋭敏 , 精鋭 Expressions: 刃の鋭い , 歯の鋭い , 感覚が鋭い antonyms: 鈍 慶category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 15 translation: delight, happy, joy kei, kyou 慶ぶ: yorokobu: be glad, be delighted, be happy, rejoice 慶い: yoi: good, delightful 慶し: yoshi 慶: chika, nori, yasu, yoshi, michi: pers. 趣category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 15 translation: go, proceed, purport (bor.), effect, contents, look, appearance, urge, press, demand, spur, prompt, quicken, stimulate shu, sou, soku 趣: omomuki: effect, purport, contents, look, appearance, taste, elegance, flavor 趣の有る: omomukinoaru: tasteful, refined, elegant <<< 有 趣の無い: omomukinonai: tasteless, flat, vulgar <<< 無 趣を異にする: omomukioinisuru: look different, have a different air <<< 異 趣く: omomuku: go, proceed (to), betake oneself to, drive (to), grow, get, become <<< 赴 趣す: unagasu: urge, press, demand, spur, prompt, quicken, stimulate Kanji words: 趣旨 , 趣味
憧category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 15 translation: yearn, pine, long, aspire, admire, adore shou, dou 憧れる: akogareru: long for, yearn [pine] for [after], aspire to, admire, adore 憧れ: akogare: longing (for), yearning (for), thirst (for wealth, for fame), admiration 憧れの: akogareno: fervent, ardent, wistful, yearning, longing, wishful 憧れの的: akogarenomato: object of adoration <<< 的 Kanji words: 憧憬 synonyms: 憬 噴category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 15 translation: blow, vomit hun, hon 噴く: huku: blow 噴く: haku: vomit Kanji words: 噴火 , 噴射 , 噴水 撮category: common usageradical: keyword: movie nb of strokes: 15 translation: take, pick, pinch satsu 撮る: toru: take, photograph (v., jp.), film 撮む: tsumamu: pinch (vt.), pick, take a pinch of 撮み: tsumami: knob, pinch (n.) Kanji words: 隠し撮 , 撮影 , 盗撮 Expressions: 自分撮り 慮category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 15 translation: consider, thoughtful ryo 慮る: omonbakaru: consider, be thoughtful, take (a matter) into account Kanji words: 遠慮 , 考慮 , 配慮 , 憂慮 窮category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 15 translation: at a loss, suffer kyuu, gu 窮まる: kiwamaru: be dangerous, be at a loss <<< 究 , 極 窮める: kiwameru: go to extremes <<< 究 , 極 Kanji words: 窮屈 , 窮地 , 窮乏 Expressions: 喧騒を窮める , 原理を窮める , 返答に窮する 撲category: common usageradical: keyword: sport nb of strokes: 15 translation: beat, fight, strike, hit boku, haku 撲つ: utsu: beat, strike, hit 撲: sumou: sumo (jp.) <<< 相撲 Kanji words: 相撲 , 打撲 , 撲滅 | |
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