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敷category: common usageradical: keyword: house nb of strokes: 15 translation: spread, extend, lay hu 敷く: shiku 敷: shiki: guarantee (jp.), warrant Kanji words: 座敷 , 敷居 , 敷地 , 敷布 , 下敷 , 屋敷 Expressions: 石を敷いた , 床を敷く , 陣を敷く , 畳を敷く , 藁を敷く , 花瓶敷き , 軌道を敷く , 茣蓙を敷く , 茣蓙を敷いた , 砂利を敷く , 絨毯を敷く , 線路を敷く , 鉄道を敷く , 土瓶敷 , 布団を敷く , 敷布団 , 風呂敷 , アスファルトを敷く , レールを敷く 膚category: common usageradical: keyword: body nb of strokes: 15 translation: skin, complexion hu 膚: hada Kanji words: 皮膚 synonyms: 肌 緩category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 15 translation: mild, loose, slow, slack kan 緩い: yurui: loose, slack, lenient, generous 緩く: yuruku: loosely, leniently, generously, slowly 緩やか: yuruyaka: lenient, generous, loose, slow 緩やかに: yuruyakani: leniently, generously, liberally 緩み: yurumi: looseness, slackness, relaxation, relief 緩む: yurumu: become slack, slacken, grow [come] loose, loosen, relax, abate 緩める: yurumeru: loose, make loose, unfesten, slacken, relax, mitigate, abate, slow down Kanji words: 緩衝 , 緩和 Expressions: 歩みを緩める , 箍が緩む , 緩い階段 , 螺子を緩める , キャップを緩める , バンドを緩める , ブレーキを緩める antonyms: 締 締category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 15 translation: shut, tighten, fasten, tie, knot tei 締める: shimeru: tie, bind, tighten (up), shut, close, let down, fasten, put on, add [sum] up, save, economize <<< 閉 締め付ける: shimetsukeru: tighten (up), fasten <<< 付 締め出す: shimedasu: shut [lock] out, shut the door on (a person), exclude (a person from) <<< 出 締め括る: shimekukuru: bind, bundle, bring (a matter) to finish [conclusion], settle (a matter) <<< 括 締め括り: shimekukuri: conclusion <<< 括 締め: shime: a bundle, total amount 締めて: shimete: altogether, in all in the total, all told 締めて幾らですか: shimeteikuradesuka: How much does it cost altogether? <<< 幾 締まる: shimaru: shut (vi.), close <<< 閉 締ぶ: musubu: tie (vt.), knot Kanji words: 締切 , 締結 , 取締 Expressions: 肉の締まった , 抱き締める , 帯を締める , 握り締める , 靴紐を締める , 螺子で締める , 発条を締める , キャップを締める , バックルを締める , バンドを締める , ボルトを締める , ボルトで締める synonyms: 絞 antonyms: 緩
養category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: kids nb of strokes: 15 translation: foster, rear, feed, bring up you 養う: yashinau: bring up, foster, rear, feed, support, keep, provide (a person) with board and lodging, cultivate, develop 養い: yashinai: nurture, feeding, nourishment Kanji words: 栄養 , 休養 , 教養 , 静養 , 培養 , 扶養 , 養育 , 養護 , 養子 , 養殖 , 養女 , 養生 , 養成 , 養分 , 養蜂 , 養老 Expressions: 家族を養う , 妻子を養う 請category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 15 translation: request, ask, beg sei, shin, jou 請う: kou: ask (a person to do), beg (a person to do), request (a person to do), entreat, appeal, solicit, sue for 請い: koi: request (n.), one's wishes 請ける: ukeru: receive, accept (jp.) Kanji words: 下請 , 申請 , 請願 , 請求 , 要請 Expressions: 恵みを請う , 許しを請う , 憐れみを請う , 許可を請う , 慈悲を請う 震category: common usageradical: keyword: disaster nb of strokes: 15 translation: shake (vt.), tremble, quiver, rock, shiver shin 震う: huruu: shake (vt.), tremble, quiver 震える: hurueru: shake (vi.), tremble, quiver 震: ikazuchi: thunder (anc.) 震: nai: shake, rock (by an earthquake) 震く: ononoku: tremble, shiver Kanji words: 震源 , 震災 , 震度 , 震動 , 地震 , 耐震 , 余震 Expressions: 全身を震わす , 武者震いする 霊category: common usageradical: keyword: religion nb of strokes: 15 translation: spirit, soul, divinity rei, ryou 霊: rei: spirit, soul, divinity 霊の: reino: spiritual 霊的: reiteki 霊と肉: reitoniku: the spirit and the flesh, body and soul <<< 肉 霊: tama: spirit, soul <<< 玉 霊: kami: divinity, god <<< 神 Kanji words: 英霊 , 木霊 , 心霊 , 精霊 , 聖霊 , 亡霊 , 幽霊 , 霊感 , 霊気 , 霊柩 , 霊場 , 霊長 噛category: JIS1radical: keyword: animal , mechanics nb of strokes: 15 translation: bite, gnaw, chew, masticate gou 噛む: kamu: bite, gnaw, chew, masticate <<< 咬 噛み合う: kamiau: bite at [fight with] each other, gear with, occlude <<< 合 噛み合わせ: kamiawase: biting [fighting] each other, gearing, engagement <<< 合 噛み合わせる: kamiawaseru: clench one's teeth, engage (gear wheels), set (animals) fighting each other <<< 合 噛る: kajiru: gnaw (upon), nibble (at), bite (at), have a smattering of Expressions: 犬に噛まれる , 爪を噛む , 舌を噛む , 唇を噛む , 臍を噛む , 噛み煙草 , ガムを噛む 噂category: JIS1radical: keyword: society nb of strokes: 15 translation: talk by gathering son 噂: uwasa: rumor (n., jp.), report, gossip, hearsay 噂する: uwasasuru: rumor (v., jp.), speak [talk] (on, about), gossip (about) 噂によると: uwasaniyoruto: according to a rumor [report] 噂に上る: uwasaninoboru: be talked [gossiped] about <<< 上 噂に成る: uwasaninaru <<< 成 噂を立てる: uwasaotateru: spread [circulate] a rumor, set a rumor afloat <<< 立 噂を流す: uwasaonagasu <<< 流 噂を聞く: uwasaokiku: hear of, know by hearsay <<< 聞 噂をすれば影: uwasaosurebakage: 'Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear' <<< 影 check also: ゴシップ | |
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