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豊category: to learn in schoolradical: nb of strokes: 13 translation: abundance, plenty, prosperity hou, bu 豊か: yutaka: abundance, plenty, prosperity 豊かな: yutakana: abundant, plentiful, copious, ample, affluent, rich, wealthy, well-to-do, well off 豊かに: yutakani: abundantly, plentifully, amply, affluently, in affluence [opulence] 豊に暮らす: yutakanikurasu: live in ease and comfort, be well [comfortably] off, live in clover <<< 暮 豊: toyo: nice (pref., jp.) Kanji words: 豊田 , 豊作 , 豊穣 , 豊富 Expressions: 家計が豊か , 感性豊か , 財政が豊か , 色彩豊かな , 情緒豊かな , 表情豊かな , 物資が豊か , バストの豊かな synonyms: 富 antonyms: 貧 試category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: technology nb of strokes: 13 translation: try, test, attempt, essay, trial shi 試みる: kokoromiru: try (v.), test, attempt 試み: kokoromi: try (n.), test, attempt 試みに: kokoromini: for trial, on trial [probation], tentatively, experimentally 試す: tamesu: try, attempt, make a trial (of), have a try (at), test, put (a thing) to trial [the test], experiment (with), make an experiment (on) 試し: tameshi: trial, test, try, experiment, attempt 試しに: tameshini: by way of experiment [trial], tentatively Kanji words: 試合 , 試験 , 試作 , 試算 , 試着 , 試薬 , 試料 , 試練 Expressions: 運を試す , 試運転 , 試運転をする , 再度試みる , 数回試みる synonyms: テスト 極category: to learn in schoolradical: nb of strokes: 13 translation: limit, extreme, very, utmost kyoku, goku 極: mune: ridge (of a roof) 極める: kiwameru: go to extremes, investigate thoroughly, make an extensive study (of), make a thorough research (after, for, into), master <<< 窮 , 究 極まる: kiwamaru: go to extremes 極み: kiwami: limit, extreme, utmost (n.) 極めて: kiwamete: very, extremely, awfully, exceedingly 極め付きの: kiwametsukino: widely acknowledged <<< 付 極める: kimeru: decide (jp.), fix, determine 極め: kime: promise (n., jp.), contract Kanji words: 究極 , 極限 , 極東 , 極光 , 極悪 , 極意 , 極上 , 極秘 , 消極 , 積極 , 太極 , 電極 , 南極 , 北極 Expressions: 奢りを極める , 喧騒を極める , 極意を極める , 絶頂を極める , 多忙を極める , 頂上を極める , 悲惨を極める 損category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: finance nb of strokes: 13 translation: harm, hurt, damage, lose son 損: son: loss, disadvantage, damage 損する: sonsuru: lose, suffer a loss, be [come off] a loser (by), be at a disadvantage 損な: sonnna: unprofitable, losing, disadvantageous, unfavorable 損なう: sokonau: harm, hurt, injure, damage, spoil 損じる: sonjiru 損ねる: sokoneru 損る: heru: decrease (vi.), diminish, lessen, run short Kanji words: 損害 , 損切 , 損失 , 損傷 , 破損 Expressions: 成り損なう , 受け損う , 株で損する , 外観を損なう , 機嫌を損じる , 評価損 antonyms: 得
感category: to learn in schoolradical: nb of strokes: 13 translation: feel, perceive kan 感じ: kanji: feeling, sense, sensation, sensibility, touch 感じの良い: kanjinoyoi, kanjinoii: agreeable, nice, likeable, pleasant <<< 良 感じの悪い: kanjinowarui: disagreeable, unpleasant <<< 悪 感じる: kanjiru: feel, perceive, be conscious of, experience, be impressed [struck, touched, moved] Kanji words: 快感 , 感化 , 感覚 , 感慨 , 感激 , 感謝 , 感触 , 感心 , 感情 , 感性 , 感染 , 感想 , 感電 , 感動 , 感応 , 感冒 , 共感 , 五感 , 実感 , 直感 , 予感 , 霊感 , 六感 Expressions: 拘りを感じる , 恩に感じる , 痛みを感じる , 愛着を感じる , 圧迫を感じる , 圧迫感 , 安定感 , 安楽に感じる , 一体感 , 解放感 , 奇異に感じる , 危機感 , 季節感 , 脅威を感じる , 郷愁を感じる , 恐怖を感じる , 距離感 , 緊張感 , 義務感 , 空腹を感じる , 苦痛を感じる , 屈辱を感じる , 倦怠を感じる , 現実感 , 幻滅を感じる , 罪悪感 , 挫折感 , 親近感 , 震動を感じる , 重圧感 , 充実感 , 正義感 , 責任感 , 抵抗感 , 不快に感じる , 不便を感じる , 満足感 , 満腹感 , 立体感 , 冷気を感じる , 連帯感 , スリルを感じる , リズム感 詩category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: literature nb of strokes: 13 translation: poem, poetry, verse shi 詩: shi: poem, poetry, verse, ode, lines 詩を作る: shiotsukuru: expose a poem (on) <<< 作 詩: uta: poem, poetry, ode 詩: karauta: Chinese poem Kanji words: 詩人 Expressions: 叙情詩 , 田園詩 , 風刺詩 , 恋愛詩 働category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: job nb of strokes: 13 translation: work, labor, job dou 働く: hataraku: work (v.), labor, toil, do (a person) a service, commit (a crime), serve (at), be employed, act [work] (on), operate, function 働かす: hatarakasu: set [put] (a person) to work, make (a person) work 働き: hataraki: work (n.), labor, activity, action, function, operation, ability, talent, achievement, merits, services 働き掛ける: hatarakikakeru: work [act] upon (a person), approach (a person on a matter) <<< 掛 Kanji words: 稼働 , 労働 Expressions: 只で働く , 只働きする , 共に働く , 畑で働く , 盗みを働く , 勘を働かせる , 頭を働かす , 悪事を働く , 海賊を働く , 強盗を働く , 詐欺を働く , 掏摸を働く , 農園で働く , 不義を働く , 不正を働く , 忠実に働く , 万引を働く , 無給で働く synonyms: 労 , 仕事 勢category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: energy nb of strokes: 13 translation: momentum, force, impetus sei, se 勢い: ikioi: spirit, vigor, energy, influence, power, tendency (to, toward, to do), impetus 勢いの良い: ikioinoii, ikioinoyoi: energetic, vigorous, spirited, powerful, vivid <<< 良 勢い良く: ikioiyoku: energetically, vigorously, with vigor <<< 良 勢いの無い: ikioinonai: spiritless, weak <<< 無 勢いを振るう: ikioiohuruu: exercise authority (over) <<< 振 勢: zei: crowd (jp.), army Kanji words: 伊勢 , 大勢 , 加勢 , 去勢 , 形勢 , 攻勢 , 姿勢 , 情勢 , 勢力 , 態勢 , 優勢 , 劣勢 Expressions: 凄じい勢いで , 日出の勢い 靴category: common usageradical: keyword: footwear nb of strokes: 13 translation: shoes, boots ka 靴: kutsu 靴が鳴る: kutsuganaru: The shoes creak <<< 鳴 靴を磨く: kutsuomigaku: clean [polish] shoes <<< 磨 , 靴磨き 靴を履く: kutsuohaku: put on shoes <<< 履 靴を脱ぐ: kutsuonugu: take off shoes <<< 脱 靴の甲: kutsunokou: shoe instep <<< 甲 靴の先: kutsunosaki: toecap <<< 先 靴の踵: kutsunokakato: heel <<< 踵 靴の底: kutsunosoko: sole <<< 底 Kanji words: 革靴 , 靴下 , 靴墨 , 靴紐 , 靴箆 , 靴磨き , 靴屋 , 長靴 , 古靴 Expressions: 赤い靴 , 踵の高い靴 , 運動靴 , 室内靴 , 乗馬靴 , 登山靴 , 兵隊靴 , 襤褸靴 , エナメル靴 , 靴クリーム , 靴のサイズ , スキー靴 , スケート靴 , ズックの靴 , 靴ブラシ , ローラースケート靴 synonyms: シューズ 猿category: common usageradical: keyword: animal nb of strokes: 13 translation: monkey, macaque en 猿: saru 猿の様な: sarunoyouna: apelike, apish, monkeyish <<< 様 猿も木から落ちる: sarumokikaraochiru: Even the best have their failures, Even Homer sometimes nods Expressions: 猿芝居 , 猿真似 , 猿の惑星 | |
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