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陶category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: porcelain, pottery, joyful (bor.) tou, you 陶: sue: porcelain, pottery Kanji words: 陶器 , 陶酔 陳category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: put in a row, range chin, jin 陳ねる: tsuraneru: put (things) in a row, range 陳べる: noberu: explain, talk, tell, say, mention <<< 述 陳い: hurui: old, aged Kanji words: 陳情 , 陳列 梯category: JIS1radical: keyword: construction nb of strokes: 11 translation: ladder, stairs tei, tai 梯: hashigo <<< 梯子 Kanji words: 梯子 蛆category: JIS2radical: keyword: insect nb of strokes: 11 translation: maggot, worm, grub so, sho 蛆: uji 蛆が湧く: ujigawaku: Maggots breed [hatch] <<< 湧 蛆が湧いた: ujigawaita: maggoty, maggot-eaten, worm-eaten <<< 湧
梁category: JIS1radical: keyword: construction nb of strokes: 11 translation: beam, crossbeam, weir ryou 梁: hashi: crossbeam, bridge 梁: hari: beam 梁: utsubari 梁: yana: weir, fish trap 涼category: common usageradical: keyword: weather nb of strokes: 11 translation: dilute (orig.), cool (bor.), fresh ryou 涼しい: suzushii: cool, refreshing 涼しい顔をする: suzushiikaoosuru: look unconcerned, assume a nonchalant air <<< 顔 涼しさ: suzushisa: coolness 涼しく成る: suzushikunaru: become cool <<< 成 涼み: suzumi: cooling spot 涼む: suzumu: make oneself cool (jp.) 涼い: usui: weak, thin, washy 涼に: makotoni: truly Kanji words: 涼風 check also: 冷 側category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: position nb of strokes: 11 translation: incline (org.), side, face soku, shoku 側: katawara: side 側: soba: side, neighborhood 側に: sobani: by the side of, at a person's side, beside, near, around, in the neighborhood (of) 側に寄る: sobaniyoru: come [draw] near (to) <<< 寄 側てる: sobadateru: prick up one's ear (incline the head) 側か: honoka: faint, dim 側: kawa, gawa: side, row, (watch) case Kanji words: 内側 , 裏側 , 縁側 , 片側 , 側近 , 外側 , 両側 Expressions: 攻撃側 , 此方側に , 賛成側 , 政府側の , 反対側 synonyms: 横 , サイド 菜category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: vegetable nb of strokes: 11 translation: vegetable sai 菜: sai: second dish (jp.) 菜: na: greens, green stuff Kanji words: 油菜 , 菜食 , 鈴菜 , 前菜 , 総菜 , 菜種 , 菜の花 , 白菜 , 野菜 Expressions: 辛子菜 , サラダ菜 蛎category: JIS1radical: keyword: mollusk nb of strokes: 11 translation: oyster rei 蛎: kaki synonyms: 牡蠣 酔category: common usageradical: keyword: drink nb of strokes: 11 translation: get drunk sui 酔う: you: get drunk, become [get] intoxicated [tipsy], get seasick [carsick, airsick] 酔った: yotta: drunk, seasick, carsick, airsick 酔わす: yowasu: inebriate, make (a person) drunk, intoxicate, fascinate, charm 酔わせる: yowaseru Kanji words: 泥酔 , 陶酔 , 麻酔 , 酔払 Expressions: 船に酔う , 歓喜に酔う , 乗物酔い , 二日酔い , 二日酔いをする | |
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