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勘category: common usageradical: keyword: psychology nb of strokes: 11 translation: think (of, about), consider kan 勘: kan: intuition, the sixth sense 勘が良い: kangaii, kangayoi: have a quick perception, have a sharp sixth sense, be quick-witted <<< 良 勘が悪い: kangawarui: have a slow perception, have a poor sixth sense, be dull-witted <<< 悪 勘を働かせる: kannohatarakaseru: think quickly, use one's head <<< 働 勘える: kangaeru: think (of, about), consider Kanji words: 勘定 , 勘違 Expressions: 土地勘 捧category: JIS1radical: keyword: religion nb of strokes: 11 translation: offer, sacrifice, dedicate hou 捧げる: sasageru: lift [hold] up, offer (v.), present 捧ぐ: sasagu 捧げ持つ: sasagemotsu: hold out, hold up, keep up <<< 持 Expressions: 愛を捧げる , 愛情を捧げる , 生贄を捧げる , 一生を捧げる , 花輪を捧げる check also: 奉 執category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: keep, hold shitsu, shuu 執る: toru 執える: toraeru: catch, take [catch, get] hold of, seize, capture, arrest, apprehend Kanji words: 執行 , 執筆 , 執事 , 執着 , 執念 Expressions: 矛を執る , 家政を執る , 事務を執る check also: 取 , 採 , 捕 婚category: common usageradical: keyword: love nb of strokes: 11 translation: engagement (of marriage), marriage kon 婚: engumi <<< 縁組 Kanji words: 求婚 , 結婚 , 婚姻 , 婚活 , 婚約 , 再婚 , 新婚 , 重婚 , 未婚 , 離婚 Expressions: ダイヤモンド婚 synonyms: 婚約 check also: 結婚
偏category: common usageradical: keyword: position nb of strokes: 11 translation: lean, incline, one side, radical of kanji hen 偏: hen: radical of kanji 偏る: katayoru: lean (to one side), incline (toward), be biased, be partial to (a matter), be prejudiced 偏った: katayotta: partial, one-sided, unbalanced 偏: katagawa: one side <<< 片側 偏に: hitoeni: earnestly, intently, entirely, solely, humbly Kanji words: 偏見 Expressions: 偏頭痛 , 偏頭痛がする 掴category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: seize, grasp, grip, hold, clutch, understand kaku 掴む: tsukamu: seize, grasp, grip, hold, take [catch] hold of, clutch, lay hands on, understand Expressions: 襟首を掴む , 尻尾を掴む , 手掛りを掴む , 要点を掴む , チャンスを掴む 据category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: occupy, work (occupy a position), labor kyo 据える: sueru: set up (jp.), place (v.), lay 据わる: suwaru: lie (jp.), sit down, take a seat, be seated 据く: hataraku: work (occupy a position), labor Expressions: 灸を据える , 見据える , 腹の据わった , 腰を据える , 腰の据わらない , 膳を据える , 礎を据え , 度胸を据える , 土台を据える , 神輿を据える 排category: common usageradical: keyword: environment nb of strokes: 11 translation: open by pushing hai 排く: oshihiraku Kanji words: 排気 , 排出 , 排除 , 排水 , 排泄 , 排他 , 排卵 Expressions: 排ガス 添category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: add, attach, affix, append ten 添える: soeru: add (to), attach [affix, append] (to), throw in, garnish with 添う: sou: accompany, go along with, marry (vi., jp.), become man and wife, meet [satisfy] (a person's wishes) <<< 副 Kanji words: 添状 , 添加 , 添削 , 添書 , 添付 Expressions: 書き添える , 連れ添う , 寄り添う , 活気を添える , 期待に添う , 希望に添う 旋category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: tour, patrol, circulate, revolve sen 旋る: meguru: tour (v.), patrol, circulate, revolve 旋: ibari: urine (anc.) Kanji words: 斡旋 , 凱旋 , 旋回 , 旋風 , 旋律 , 旋毛 , 螺旋 | |
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