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盗category: common usageradical: keyword: crime nb of strokes: 11 translation: steal, rob, pilfer tou 盗む: nusumu: steal (a thing from a person), pilfer (a thing from a shop), rob (a person of a thing), pirate, plagiarize 盗み: nusumi: theft, robbery 盗みを働く: nusumiohataraku: commit theft <<< 働 盗みをする: nusumiosuru 盗み見る: nusumimiru: steal a glance (at), look furtively <<< 見 盗み見する: nusumimisuru <<< 見 Kanji words: 怪盗 , 強盗 , 盗撮 , 盗賊 , 盗聴 , 盗難 Expressions: 足音を盗んで 眠category: common usageradical: keyword: health nb of strokes: 11 translation: sleep, slumber min, men, ben 眠り: nemuri: sleep (n.), slumber, nape, doze 眠りに就く: nemurinitsuku: go to sleep, fall asleep <<< 就 眠り込む: nemurikomu: fall asleep <<< 込 眠る: nemuru: sleep, have a sleep, fall asleep, take a nap, die (jp.) 眠らす: nemurasu: put (a person) to sleep, kill, do away with (a person) 眠い: nemui: feel sleepy 眠そうな: nemusouna: sleepy, drowsy, sleepy-looking 眠そうに: nemusouni: sleepily, drowsily 眠れない: nemurenai: feel sleepless <<< 不眠 眠れない夜: nemurenaiyoru, nemurenaiyo: sleepless night <<< 夜 Kanji words: 居眠 , 永眠 , 催眠 , 睡眠 , 冬眠 , 不眠 Expressions: 浅い眠り , 深い眠り , 眠れる美女 , 眠れる森の美女 synonyms: 睡 check also: 寝 逢category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: meet, encounter, undergo, greet, receive hou 逢う: au: meet with, encounter, be caught in, undergo, be exposed to, suffer <<< 会 , 遭 逢える: mukaeru: meet, go to meet, welcome, greet, receive 終category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: time nb of strokes: 11 translation: end, close, termination shuu, shu 終り: owari: end, close, termination, conclusion, expiration 終りの: owarino: last, final, concluding 終りに: owarini: in the end, finally, in conclusion, at the conclusion (of) 終りに近づく: owarinichikaZuku: draw to a close <<< 近 終りを告げる: owariotsugeru: come to an end [a close] <<< 告 終りを全うする: owariomattousuru: end well, come to a good end <<< 全 終り無き: owarinaki: endless, interminable <<< 無 終わる: owaru: end (vi.), terminate, finish 終える: oeru: end (vt.), terminate, finish 終に: tsuini: finally 終ぬ: shinu: die (v.) Kanji words: 最終 , 終焉 , 終止 , 終身 , 終日 , 終点 , 終幕 , 終了 , 臨終 Expressions: 初めから終わりまで , 夏の終わり , 読み終る , 掛声に終る , 課程を終える , 刑期を終える , 終先程 , 失敗に終わる , 不調に終る antonyms: 初 , 始
帳category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: decoration nb of strokes: 11 translation: curtain, veil, shroud chou 帳: tobari: curtain, veil, shroud 帳: hari: unit to count veils Kanji words: 蚊帳 , 几帳 , 帳簿 , 帳面 , 通帳 , 手帳 Expressions: 受取帳 , 売上帳 , 閻魔帳 , 切手帳 , 小切手帳 , 小遣帳 , 仕切帳 , 写真帳 , 写生帳 , 習字帳 , 宿題帳 , 商品仕入帳 , 仕分帳 , 大福帳 , 地図帳 , 注文帳 , 当座帳 , 日記帳 , 見本帳 , アドレス帳 , メモ帳 synonyms: 幕 , カーテン 掬category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: scoop, scum, skim kiku 掬う: sukuu: scoop (v.), scum, skim, ladle, spoon 掬む: kumu: draw (water from), scoop up, ladle out, pump out [up] Expressions: 匙で掬う , 金魚を掬う , 金魚掬い , ショベルで掬う , スプーンで掬う 彫category: common usageradical: keyword: art nb of strokes: 11 translation: carve, engrave, chisel chou 彫る: horu: carve, engrave, chisel (v.) 彫りの深い顔: horinohukaikao: clear-cut face Kanji words: 彫刻 , 彫像 Expressions: 象牙彫り , 版画を彫る 粗category: common usageradical: keyword: food nb of strokes: 11 translation: rude, coarse, rough so 粗: ara: refuse [bony parts] of a fish, offal, defect, fault, flaw <<< 欠点 粗の無い: aranonai: flawless, perfect <<< 無 , 完璧 粗を捜す: araosagasu: find fault with <<< 捜 粗捜し: arasagashi: faultfinding <<< 捜 粗い: arai: coarse, rough, raw 粗く: araku: coarsely, roughly, loosely 粗: hobo: almost, nearly, about, for the most part, roughly <<< 略 Kanji words: 粗筋 , 粗雑 , 粗品 Expressions: 目の粗い synonyms: 荒 陰category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: shadow, shade, obscure, dark, secret, discreet in, on 陰: kage: shadow, shade 陰で操る: kagedeayatsuru: pull the wires (from behind) <<< 操 陰で糸を引く: kagedeitoohiku 陰る: kageru: be obscured, darken 陰い: kurai: obscure, dark 陰かな: hisokana: secret, discreet Kanji words: 陰気 , 陰線 , 陰部 , 陰謀 , 木陰 , 日陰 Expressions: 陰イオン synonyms: 影 antonyms: 陽 掘category: common usageradical: keyword: garden nb of strokes: 11 translation: dig, excavate, burrow, bore, hole, slit, gap, leak, pit, cave kutsu, kotsu 掘る: horu: dig, excavate, burrow, scratch (for), scoop out, bore 掘: ana: hole, slit, gap, leak, pit, cave Kanji words: 発掘 Expressions: 土を掘る , 穴を掘る , 深く掘る , 溝を掘る , 井戸を掘る , 井戸掘り , 運河を掘る , 地面を掘る , 石炭を掘る , 炭鉱を掘る , ショベルで掘る , トンネルを掘る | |
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