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借category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: finance nb of strokes: 10 translation: borrow, loan, debt shaku, sha 借りる: kariru: borrow 借り: kari: loan, debt, liabilities <<< ローン 借りを作る: kariotsukuru: run into debt <<< 作 借りを返す: kariokaesu: pay back [off] a debt <<< 返 借りを拵える: kariokoshiraeru 借い: tatoi: even if (one borrows an idea) Kanji words: 借家 , 借金 , 拝借 Expressions: 助けを借りて , 知恵を借りる , 賃貸借 , 人手を借りる , 部屋を借りる 莢category: JIS2radical: keyword: plant nb of strokes: 10 translation: pod, shell, husk, shuck, hull kyou 莢: saya: hull (n.), husk, shuck, shell 莢を剥く: sayaomuku: hull (v.), husk, shuck, shell <<< 剥 Kanji words: 薬莢 Expressions: 莢隠元 , 莢豌豆 飢category: common usageradical: keyword: disaster nb of strokes: 10 translation: hunger, starvation ki 飢える: ueru: starve, be starving, be [feel, go] hungry, hunger [thirst] (for) 飢えた: ueta: hungry, starved 飢え: ue: hunger, starvation 飢えを凌ぐ: ueoshinogu: keep off hunger, keep the wolf from the door <<< 凌 Kanji words: 飢餓 Expressions: 血に飢えた synonyms: 餓 砦category: JIS1radical: keyword: war nb of strokes: 10 translation: stronghold, fortress, for sai 砦: toride Kanji words: 城砦 check also: 城
桧category: JIS1other spells: 檜 radical: keyword: tree nb of strokes: 10 translation: sun tree, Japanese cypress kai 桧: hinoki Expressions: 桧舞台 , 桧舞台を踏む 桂category: JIS1radical: keyword: tree nb of strokes: 10 translation: judas-tree, family of fragrant trees kei 桂: katsura: katsuratree (cercidiphyllum japonicum, jp.) Kanji words: 月桂 , 肉桂 桐category: JIS1radical: keyword: tree nb of strokes: 10 translation: paulownia, empress tree, princess tree tou, dou 桐: kiri 桐: hisa: pers. 宵category: common usageradical: keyword: time nb of strokes: 10 translation: evening shou 宵: yoi 宵の口に: yoinokuchini: in the early hours of evening, early in the evening, toward evening <<< 口 Kanji words: 今宵 , 宵闇 Expressions: 宵の明星 synonyms: 夜 枡category: JIS2, only in Japaneseother spells: 桝 radical: keyword: utensil nb of strokes: 10 translation: measure (box) 枡: masu 枡で売る: masudeuru: sell by the measure <<< 売 synonyms: 升 , 斗 悦category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 10 translation: pleased, delighted, rejoice, happy, joy etsu 悦に入る: etsuniiru: rejoice (at, in, over), rub one's hands, be in ecstasies, be pleased with oneself, gloat (over) <<< 入 悦ぶ: yorokobu: be pleased, be delighted, rejoice | |
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