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梅category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: flower , fruit nb of strokes: 10 translation: Japanese apricot, Chinese plum, rain of June (plum is ripe in June) bai, mai 梅: ume: plum tree, plum 梅の花: umenohana: plum blossom <<< 花 梅の実: umenomi: plum <<< 実 Kanji words: 梅干 , 黄梅 , 梅雨 , 白梅 , 梅毒 check also: 李 粉category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: food nb of strokes: 10 translation: powder hun 粉: kona: powder (n.) 粉: ko 粉にする: konanisuru: powder (v.), grind [pound] (wheat) into flour 粉が吹く: konagahuku: become powder-coated <<< 吹 粉ぽい: konappoi: powdery Kanji words: 白粉 , 花粉 , 黄粉 , 粉々 , 粉雪 , 澱粉 , 練粉 , 薄力粉 , 粉砕 , 粉飾 , 粉末 Expressions: 饂飩粉 , 片栗粉 , 辛子粉 , 強力粉 , 小麦粉 , 粉砂糖 , 粉石鹸 , 蕎麦粉 , 歯磨粉 , カレー粉 , 粉カレー , セモリナ粉 , 粉チーズ , パン粉 , 粉ミルク 株category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: plant , finance nb of strokes: 10 translation: foot, stump shu 株: kabu: foot, stump, stock (jp.), share, asset, monopoly, business, practice, goodwill 株を買う: kabuokau: buy stocks (of), take stock <<< 買 株を持つ: kabuomotsu: hold shares <<< 持 株を遣る: kabuoyaru: speculate on the stock exchange [market] <<< 遣 株で儲ける: kabudemoukeru: make money on the stock market <<< 儲 株で損する: kabudesonsuru: lose money on the stock market <<< 損 株が上がる: kabugaagaru: The shares rise [go up], gain in a person's estimation <<< 上 株が下がる: kabugasagaru: The shares fall [crumble], lose in a person's estimation <<< 下 Kanji words: 株価 , 株式 , 株主 , 切株 Expressions: 黄金株 , 記名株 , 銀行株 , 権利株 , 仕手株 , 主力株 , 上場株 , 成長株 , 投資株 , 無償株 , 優先株 , 株バブル synonyms: ストック 息category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: medicine nb of strokes: 10 translation: breath, breathing, respiration soku 息: iki: breath, breathing, respiration 息をする: ikiosuru: breathe 息が有る: ikigaaru: show signs of life <<< 有 息が切れる: ikigakireru: get out of breath, expire <<< 切 , 死 息を切らす: ikiokirasu: gasp, pant, become out of breath <<< 切 息を切らして: ikiokirashite: out of breath, panting, breathlessly <<< 切 息が臭い: ikigakusai: have a foul breath <<< 臭 息を吐く: ikiotsuku: take [pause for] breath <<< 吐 息も吐かずに: ikimotsukazuni: without taking breath, at a breath [stretch] <<< 吐 , 一気 息を入れる: ikioireru: have [take] a rest <<< 入 息を殺す: ikiokorosu: hold one's breath <<< 殺 息が合う: ikigaau: be in (perfect) harmony (with), understand each other <<< 合 息が掛かる: ikigakakaru: be backed up by (a person's influence) <<< 掛 息む: yasumu: take a rest Kanji words: 安息 , 休息 , 消息 , 喘息 , 溜息 , 吐息 , 一息 , 息子 , 利息 Expressions: 虫の息で , 肩で息をする check also: 気
挙category: to learn in schoolradical: nb of strokes: 10 translation: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, unanimous (bor.) kyo 挙げる: ageru: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, fly 挙がる: agaru: go [come] up (to), rise, jump up (on), go up, climb, soar 挙る: kozoru: unanimously 挙: mina: whole, all Kanji words: 挙式 , 挙動 , 検挙 , 選挙 , 枚挙 Expressions: 兵を挙げる , 星を挙げる , 官民挙げて , 出典を挙げる , 白星を挙げる , 実績を挙げる , 重量挙げ 差category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: mathematics nb of strokes: 10 translation: difference, unlike, differ sa, shi 差う, 差う: chigau, tagau: be different, be unlike, differ 差す: tsukawasu: send [dispatch] (a person) 差: yaya: a bit, a little 差す, 差し: sasu, sashi: nominate (jp.), point out [to] 差し上げる: sashiageru: give (pol.), present (a thing to a person), make a present of (a thing), offer, lift [hold] up (a thing above one's head) <<< 上 差し当り: sashiatari: for the present, for the time being, at present <<< 当 差し置く: sashioku: set [put, lay] aside, leave <<< 置 差し替える: sashikaeru: put (A) in place of (B), replace (B) by (A), substitute (A) for (B) <<< 替 差し迫る: sashisemaru: approach, be close at hand, press <<< 迫 差し招く: sashimaneku: beckon (a person to come near) <<< 招 差し止める: sashitomeru: prohibit (a person from doing), place a ban (on), forbid (a person to do), stop (a person's doing), suspend <<< 止 差し伸べる: sashinoberu: extend (one's arm), hold [stretch] out (one's hand) <<< 伸 差し挟む: sashihasamu: insert, put (a thing) between, harbor (doubts), entertain, cherish <<< 挟 差し控える: sashihikaeru: withhold, reserve, refrain from (doing) <<< 控 Kanji words: 格差 , 交差 , 差足 , 差押 , 差出 , 差別 , 時差 , 段差 , 点差 , 日差 , 人差指 , 水差 , 物差 Expressions: 刀を差す , 油を差す , 傘を差す , 腰に差す , 影が差す , 潮が差す , 魔が差す , 価格差 , 干満の差 , 煙管差し , 個人差 , 地域差 庭category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: garden nb of strokes: 10 translation: garden, park, court, yard tei 庭: niwa 庭を作る: niwaotsukuru: make [lay out] a garden <<< 作 Kanji words: 裏庭 , 家庭 , 校庭 , 石庭 , 庭園 , 中庭 , 庭弄り , 庭師 , 庭常 Expressions: 庭に打水をする , 庭木戸 synonyms: 園 , 苑 旅category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: travel nb of strokes: 10 translation: journey, travel, trip, voyage ryo, ro 旅: tabi 旅をする: tabiosuru: travel (v.), make a journey, go on a journey [trip], make a tour [trip] 旅に出る: tabinideru: start [go] on a journey <<< 出 旅立つ: tabidatsu <<< 立 旅の空で: tabinosorade: away from home, in a strange land <<< 空 Kanji words: 旅先 , 旅立ち , 旅人 , 旅客 , 旅館 , 旅券 , 旅行 , 旅情 , 旅団 Expressions: 快適な旅 , 汽車の旅 , 旅支度 , 旅支度する , 旅の伴侶 , 旅は道連れ世は情け , 旅の読物 笑category: to learn in schoolradical: nb of strokes: 10 translation: laugh, smile shou 笑い: warai: laugh (n.), smile, laughter, sneer 笑いが止まらない: waraigatomaranai: cannot stop laughing, cannot but gloat <<< 止 笑いを抑える: waraioosaeru: suppress a laugh <<< 抑 笑いを招く: waraiomaneku: incur laughter, be laughed at (by) <<< 招 笑い出す: waraidasu: begin to laugh, burst out laughing <<< 出 笑い倒ける: waraikokeru: hold one's sides with laughing, laugh fit to kill <<< 倒 笑い転げる: waraikorogeru <<< 転 笑い飛ばす: waraitobasu: laugh away <<< 飛 笑う: warau: laugh (v.) 笑うべき: waraubeki: laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous 笑われる: warawareru: be [get] laughed at 笑わせる: warawaseru: let (a person) laugh 笑む: emu: smile (v.) 笑み: emi: smile (n.) Kanji words: 笑顔 , 可笑し , 苦笑 , 嘲笑 , 爆笑 , 微笑 , 冷笑 Expressions: 鼻で笑う , 嘲り笑う , 愛嬌笑い , 愛想笑い , 御世辞笑い , 笑い川蝉 , 馬鹿笑 流category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: geography nb of strokes: 10 translation: stream, flow ryuu, ru 流: ryuu: school (of thought, jp.) 流れる: nagareru: stream [run] (down), flow, drain, be carried [washed] away, float, drift, wander, pass (away), be foreclosed, be forfeited 流す: nagasu: let flow [run out], shed, drain, float, set [send] (a thing) adrift, exile, wash away [off], forfeit, foreclose 流し: nagashi: sink (jp.), scullery, draining floor 流れ: nagare: stream, flow, family (jp.), descent 流れに従って: nagarenishitagatte: with the stream <<< 従 流れに逆らって: nagarenishitagatte: against the stream <<< 逆 流れを上る: nagareonoboru: go up the river <<< 上 流れを下る: nagareokudaru: go down the river <<< 下 流れ込む: nagarekomu: flow [pour, run, stream] into, wander [drift] into (a place) <<< 込 流れ出す: nagaredasu: flow [pour, run, stream] out, begin to flow, leak, ooze out, drift (away) <<< 出 , 流出 流れ出る: nagarederu <<< 出 流れ着く: nagaretsuku: drift (to), be washed [cast] ashore <<< 着 Kanji words: 一流 , 海流 , 韓流 , 還流 , 寒流 , 我流 , 急流 , 気流 , 逆流 , 渓流 , 交流 , 合流 , 流石 , 主流 , 支流 , 水流 , 対流 , 濁流 , 暖流 , 直流 , 電流 , 漂流 , 風流 , 物流 , 放流 , 本流 , 流血 , 流行 , 流砂 , 流出 , 流星 , 流暢 , 流動 , 流氷 , 流刑 Expressions: 水に流す , 血を流す , 垂れ流す , 受け流す , 星が流れる , 急な流れ , 時が流れる , 涙を流す , 聞き流す , 噂を流す , 流れ作業 , 自己流 , 自己流で , 赤道流 , 抵当流れ , 電流を流す , 灯籠流し , 溶岩流 , 流しのタクシー , メキシコ湾流 check also: 川 | |
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