Japanese display


pronunciation: shisan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: property, fortune, means, assets
資産の有る: shisannnoaru: wealthy, propertied <<< , 金持
資産家: shisanka: man of property [wealth, fortune] <<<
資産と負債: shisantohusai: assets and liabilities <<< 負債
資産階級: shisankaikyuu: propertied class <<< 階級
資産凍結: shisantouketsu: freezing of assets
資産運用: shisannunnyou: management of one's assets <<< 運用
資産管理: shisankanri: portfolio management <<< 管理
資産価値: shisankachi: wealth effect, net asset value <<< 価値
資産目録: shisanmokuroku: inventory of assets
資産内容: shisannnaiyou <<< 内容
流動資産: ryuudoushisan: current [floating] assets <<< 流動
固定資産: koteishisan: fixed property <<< 固定
related words: 財産

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