Japanese display


pronunciation: dentou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 電燈
keyword: electricity
translation: electric light [lamp]
電灯を引く: dentouohiku: have electric lights installed <<<
電灯を点ける: dentouotsukeru: switch [turn] on the light <<< , 点灯
電灯を点す: dentouotomosu
電灯を消す: dentouokesu: switch [turn] off the light <<<
電灯線: dentousen: indoor lamplight wire, lamp cord <<<
電灯料: dentouryou: electric light charges <<<
電灯会社: dentougaisha: electric light company <<< 会社
懐中電灯: kaichuudentou: flashlight, electric torch <<< 懐中
related words: 電球 , 電気

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