Japanese display

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 13
translation: crevice, chink, opening, space, gap, crack, discord (fig.), quarrel
隙: suki: opening, crevice, crack, gap, opportunity, chance, leisure, weak point, unguarded moment
隙が無い: sukiganai: be unassailable, be thoroughly guarded <<<
隙を窺う: sukioukagau: watch for a chance <<<
隙を見る: sukiomiru <<<
隙を見せる: sukiomiseru: be off one's guard <<<
隙に乗じる: sukinijoujiru: attack (a person) off the guard <<<
隙を突く: sukiotsuku <<<
隙: sukima: crevice, chink, opening, space, gap, intermission <<< 隙間
隙い: nakatagai: discord, quarrel
Kanji words: 隙間 , 間隙
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