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pronunciation: budou
other spells: ブドウ
keyword: fruit
translation: grape, grapevine
葡萄の房: budounohusa: bunch (cluster) of grapes <<<
葡萄の種: budounotane: grape-seed, grape-stone <<<
葡萄の蔓: budounotsuru: grapevine <<<
葡萄を摘む: budouotsumu: harvest [gather, pick] grapes <<<
葡萄園: budouen: vineyard, grapery <<<
葡萄色: budouiro: dark purple <<<
葡萄酒: budoushu: wine <<<
葡萄糖: budoutou: grape sugar, glucose <<<
葡萄液: budoueki: grape juice <<<
葡萄ジュース: budoujuusu <<< ジュース
葡萄栽培: budousaibai: viticulture <<< 栽培
葡萄栽培者: budousaibaisha: winegrower <<<
葡萄パン: budoupan: raisin bread <<< パン
干し葡萄: hoshibudou: raisins, currants <<<
野葡萄: nobudou: wild grape, ampelopsis <<<
山葡萄: yamabudou <<<
怒りの葡萄: ikarinobudou: The Grapes of Wrath (American novel written by John Steinbeck in 1939) <<<
synonyms: グレープ
related words: ワイン

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