Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: life
Number of strokes: 8
translation: young, if (bor.), otherwise
jaku, nyaku
若い: wakai: young, youthful, younger, junior, inexperienced, green, small, low
若い時に: wakaitokini: when young, in one's youth <<<
若い頃に: wakaikoroni <<<
若い時から: wakaitokikara: from one's youth <<<
若い者: wakaimono: young man [woman], lad, youth, apprentice, store clerk, one's men <<< , 若者
若さ: wakasa: youthfulness, youth
若さを保つ: wakasaotamotsu: retain one's youthfulness <<<
若返る: wakagaeru: grow younger, be rejuvenated <<<
若: waka: son of a boss
若し: moshi: if
若しくは: moshikuha: or, otherwise
若し: gotoshi: look like <<< ,
若: nanji: thou <<<
若く: shiku: superior or equal
Kanji words: 若布 , 若草 , 若葉 , 若者 , 若芽 , 傍若無人 , 若干 , 般若 , 若頭
Expressions: 若夫婦 , 若い世代 , 若旦那 , 番号の若い
synonyms: ジュニア

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