Japanese display

category: JIS1
keyword: construction
Number of strokes: 15
translation: collapse, ruin, crush, smash, break
kai, e
潰す: tsubusu: crush, smash, break, mash, scrap, melt down, kill, butcher, waste
潰れる: tsubureru: collapse, be ruined, be crushed, be smashed, fall [be torn] to pieces, break, be worn down
潰れ易い: tsubureyasui: fragile, brittle <<<
潰える: tsuieru: collapse, be crushed down
Kanji words: 潰瘍
Expressions: 手間潰 , 鶏を潰す , 擦り潰す , 虱を潰す , 握り潰す , 暇を潰す , 叩き潰す , 肝を潰す , 捻り潰す , 飲み潰れる , 乗り潰す , 顔が潰れる , 顔を潰す , 踏み潰す
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