Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: food , energy
Number of strokes: 8
translation: oil, grease, petroleum
yu, yuu
油: abura
油の染み: aburanoshimi: oil stain <<<
油染みた: aburajimita: greasy, oil-stained, smeared, with oil [grease] <<<
油臭い: aburakusai: oily, fatty, greasy <<<
油で揚げる: aburadeageru: fry (in oil) <<<
油で炒める: aburadeitameru: panfry, fry <<<
油を塗る: aburaonuru: rub [smear] (a thing) with oil [grease], oil (v.), grease, anoint <<<
油を差す: aburaosasu: lubricate (a thing), oil, grease <<<
油が切れる: aburagakireru: need oiling <<<
油が乗る: aburaganoru: put on fat, be in grease, warm up to one's work, get into the swing of one's work <<<
油を注ぐ: aburaososogu: egg (a person) on (to an act, to do), add fuel to the flames [fire] <<<
油を搾る: aburaoshiboru: press oil (from), take (a person) to task, give it hot (to a person), scold <<<
油を売る: aburaouru: idle [loaf] away one's time <<<
Kanji words: 原油 , 給油 , 油性 , 石油 , 油菜 , 灯油 , 油田 , 軽油 , 燃油 , 醤油 , 油膜 , 油脂 , 油断 , 油虫
Expressions: 機械油 , 菜種油 , 落花生油 , 油井戸 , 芥子油 , 大豆油 , 揮発油 , 胡麻油 , 薄荷油 , 硬化油 , 燃料油 , 鉱物油 , 向日葵油 , 大麻油 , 椰子油 , 植物油 , 潤滑油 , 天婦羅油 , オリーブ油 , サラダ油 , アニス油 , パラフィン油
synonyms: オイル
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