Japanese display


pronunciation: gekkyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: monthly salary [pay]
月給が上がる: gekkyuugaagaru: get a raise in one's salary <<<
月給が下がる: gekkyuugasagaru: get a cut in one's salary <<<
月給を取る: gekkyuuotoru: get [receive, draw] a salary <<<
月給で雇われる: gekkyuudeyatowareru: be employed by the month <<<
月給取り: gekkyuutori: salaried man <<<
月給日: gekkyuubi: payday <<<
月給袋: gekyuubukuro: pay envelope <<<
月給泥棒: gekkyuudorobou: those who are not worth their salaries <<< 泥棒
related words: 月収 , 給料

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