Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 10
translation: catch, pick up, seize
捕らえる: toraeru: catch, take [catch, get] hold of, seize, capture, arrest, apprehend
捕る: toru: take, seize, get, grasp, catch, receive, nab <<<
捕まえる: tsukamaeru: catch, capture, arrest, apprehend
捕まる: tsukamaru: be seized, be caught, be apprehended, be arrested, fall into a person's hands [clutches], take hold of, grasp
Kanji words: 捕縛 , 逮捕 , 捕鯨 , 鼠捕り , 拿捕 , 捕手
Expressions: 機会を捕らえる , 犯人を捕らえる , 好機を捕える , 魚を捕まえる , 腕を捕える , 確り捕まる

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