Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: life
Number of strokes: 8
translation: happy, happiness, lucky, luck
幸い: saiwai: happiness, luck
幸せ: shiawase: idem.
幸: sachi: idem.
幸う: sakiwau: give a fortune
幸う: negau: hope (v.)
幸: miyuki: visit of emperor
幸: yuki: pers.
幸せの: shiawaseno: happy, lucky
幸せな: shiawasena
幸せに: shiawaseni: happily, in happiness
幸せを祈る: shiawaseoinoru: wish every happiness <<<
幸せに暮らす: shiawasenikurasu: live happily <<<
Kanji words: 幸福 , 行幸 , 幸運 , 不幸

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