Japanese display


pronunciation: kisetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather , calendar
translation: season
季節の: kisetsuno: seasonal
季節の果物: kisetsunokudamono: seasonal fruits <<< 果物
季節外れ: kisetsuhazure: out of season <<<
季節遅れ: kisetsuokure: behind the season <<<
季節盛り: kisetsuzakari: at the height of the season <<<
季節風: kisetsuhuu: monsoon <<<
季節物: kisetsumono: seasonal goods <<<
季節感: kisetsukan: feelings about seasons <<<
季節労働者: kisetsuroudousha: seasonal worker
桜の季節: sakuranokisetsu: cherry blossom season <<<
桃の季節: momonokisetsu: peach blossom season <<<
新緑の季節しんりょくのきせつ: season of fresh verdure <<< 新緑
synonyms: シーズン
related words: 時候

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