Japanese display


pronunciation: doumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , war
translation: alliance, league
同盟する: doumeisuru: form [go into] an alliance [union], be allied [leagued]
同盟して: doumeishite: in alliance with
同盟国: doumeikoku: allied country [power] <<<
同盟軍: doumeigun: allied army <<< , 友軍
同盟条約: doumeijouyaku: treaty of alliance <<< 条約
同盟罷業: doumeihigyou: strike
同盟休校: doumeikyuukou: school strike
軍事同盟: gunjidoumei: military alliance <<< 軍事
防御同盟: bougyodoumei: defensive alliance <<< 防御
防衛同盟: boueidoumei: defense pact <<< 防衛
関税同盟: kanzeidoumei: customs union <<< 関税
三国同盟: sangokudoumei: Triple Alliance <<< 三国

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