Japanese display


pronunciation: shochi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: disposition, disposal, dealing, measure, treatment
処置する: shochisuru: deal with, dispose of, take measures [steps]
処置を取る: shochiotoru <<<
処置に困る: shochinikomaru: do not know what to do [how to deal] with (a thing) <<<
処置を誤る: shochioayamaru: take wrong measures <<<
処置無し: shochinashi: beyond hope [cure], no help for <<<
対抗処置: taikoushochi: counter-measure <<< 対抗
公正な処置: kouseinashochi: fair and impartial measure <<< 公正
不当な処置: hutounashochi: unfair dealing <<< 不当
synonyms: 対策
related words: 手段 , 措置

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