Japanese display


pronunciation: nido
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 2度
keyword: unit , time
translation: twice, two times, the second time, two degrees
二度目: nidome: the second time <<<
二度目の: nidomeno: the second (a.)
二度目に: nidomeni: for the second time
二度に亘って: nidoniwatatte: twice <<<
二度としない: nidotoshinai: never do again
二度と無い機会: nidotonaikikai: opportunity of a lifetime
二度ある事は三度ある: nidoarukotohasandoaru: Never two without three
月に二度: tsukininido: twice a month <<<
週に二度: shuuninido: twice a week <<<
一月に二度: hitotsukininido: twice a month <<< 一月
synonyms: 二回
related words: 一度

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