
キーワード: 戦争
画数: 6
翻訳:contest, dispute, quarrel, fight, struggle
争う: あらそう: quarrel (with a person, about a matter), be at odds with, contend (with a person for a thing), vie [compete] (with a person in doing), fight, struggle
争い: あらそい: quarrel (n.), dispute, argument, discord, feud, trouble, competition, contest
争いが起こる: あらそいがおこる: A dispute takes place <<<
争いの種: あらそいのたね: apple of discord <<<
争う: あらがう: quarrel (with a person, about a matter), be at odds with, contend (with a person for a thing), vie [compete] (with a person in doing)
争でか: いかでか: why <<< 何故
熟語:係争 , 闘争 , 論争 , 戦争 , 紛争 , 競争
語句:権力争い , 覇権を争う , 派閥争い , 優勝争い , 相続争い , 遺産争い , 勢力争い , 管轄争い , 縄張りを争う , 縄張り争い , 地位を争う , 黒白を争う , 王座を争う , 法廷で争う , 覇を争う , 席を争う , 先を争う , 言い争う , ランキングを争う , タイトルを争う

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