Japanese display

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 14
translation: refined rice, spirit (ext.)
sei, shou
精を出す: seiodasu: work hard, be industrious [diligent], exert oneself (to do, for), ply <<<
精が尽きる: seigatsukiru: be exhausted, be tired out <<<
精: shirageyone: refined rice
精しい: kuwashii: detailed, particular, minute, know well, be well-informed <<<
精: kokoro: heart (fig.), spirit, mind <<<
精: mononoke: evil spirit
Kanji words: 精密 , 妖精 , 丹精 , 精神 , 精子 , 精液 , 射精 , 精霊 , 精根 , 精度 , 精鋭 , 精進 , 受精 , 精錬
Expressions: 精一杯

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