Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 12
translation: burn, scorch
焦げる: kogeru: burn (vi.), scorch
焦がす: kogasu: burn (vt.), scorch
焦げ付く: kogetsuku: get burned [scorched], be unrecoverable <<<
焦がれる: kogareru: pine from, pine for (jp.)
焦る: aseru: be impatient (jp.)
焦す: jirasu: irritate, fret, make (a person) feel impatient, keep (a person) in suspense, tantalize, tease
焦れる: jireru: fret (about), be irritated (at), become impatient
Kanji words: 焦点 , 焦燥
Expressions: 焦げ茶色 , 焦げ茶色の , 待ち焦がれる , 思い焦がれる

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