Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: administration
Number of strokes: 8
translation: govern, rule, reign, correct, remedy, reform, rectify, mend, repair
ji, chi
治める: osameru: govern, rule [reign] over, manage, pacify, suppress (an uprising)
治まる: osamaru: be in peace, calm down, be settled, fall, go down, subside, be got under control, be calmed down, be appeased, get better
治る: naoru: be mended [repaired], be put [set] to rights, be restored, be corrected, be reformed, be cured <<<
治す: naosu: correct, remedy, reform, rectify, mend, repair, patch up, fix up <<<
治: osamu: pers.
Kanji words: 政治 , 統治 , 退治 , 治療 , 明治 , 治安 , 自治 , 治験 , 治癒
Expressions: 病気が治る , 病気を治す , 風邪が治らない , 丸く治める

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